Here Is Your Awesomegang Authors Newsletter

Published: Sat, 10/02/21

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C.M. Halstead 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Born in a small farming community located in Upstate, NY I was quickly relocated to Niagara Falls for the first year of my life. The second child of two individuals barely into their twenties, I have no recollection of what led to the decision, yet I am sure it had something to do with feeding young mouths and wanting something different than what he grew up with, my Dad joined the Air Force. That enlistment and the genetically inherited wanderlust has kept me moving for most of my 50 years.

Those 50 years are a book in itself, yet to be written. I have written and released eight distinct works and have ten plus in various stages of completion. I currently am compiling a couple of books together, one to consist of four novellas and the other to contain a multitude of short stories, parables, allegories, that sort of thing. The novellas are four distinct works written at various times and not related to each other, yet seem perfect to combine into a 180,000 word volume. The other compilation is geared towards coming of age and personal growth as all parables and fables are made to do. A four pack to escape your grind and another to help you go hmmm.

I have eight distinct works already published and double digit works in progress. I write because I am possessed to do so and write whenever possible. I am walking dead when not creating.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest release, HBD (Here Be Dragons) is a novel written during three different NANoWriMo events. Instead of fleshing out the rough drafts into three separate books, I chose to combine them and edit down the manuscripts. This is the first book I wrote with characters WAY outside of my personal boundaries. It was a great exercise for me, writing about people doing things I would never do, I feel it opened me up as a creative writer. Just because the character does it, doesn’t mean I would or that it is an alter-ego of mine. Let’s see what the world thinks of it instead.

HBD (Here Be Dragons) is NOT a tale of medieval influence and proportions, other than it being the source of the working title, Here Be Dragons. On maps of old, there often existed sections of the hand written maps that had not been explored, either on that trip or at all by the country funding the boat and or expeditions. In these areas the map makers would write and draw, pictures of mermaids, dragons, and other mystical creatures were often drawn there or the words, Here Be Dragons written to represent areas to NOT be explored. Off limits. Things of danger lie here. Or really, we just don’t want you to know.

Marty Roberts has an opportunity to save the world, not from itself, but from the humans that dominate it. He sits, thinking. Determined to find a solution, no idea how lost he is.
Agent Joanne Clay urgently moves forward in her career, hell-bent on making her reputation and moving on from her family’s. She, a new generation of FBI agent.
Enter a clandestine agency, a psycho or three and the race for power gets violent. A whodunit, full of power and personal struggles. Who will prevail, the young, FBI-backed agent or Marty Roberts, alone and on mission?

HBD (Here Be Dragons) by C.M. Halstead

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I thought writing was an unusual habit….

I do not know what is considered unusual, I do know I write in what I call my #writerscave If you find me on Instagram you will occasionally see photos of me in my writer’s cave. Nothing fancy, quite the opposite actually. My first was on the back porch while we lived in Sedona, AZ, the second located above one wheel-well on the 1980 Ward Bus we converted and drove around the southwest. And only the wheel-well, I had to scoot in sideways and peel myself out of the seat a few hours later. Then my growing son needed more space and I shrank my writing space down to standing room only, wedged between sleeping spaces. Same deal, several hours later I had to force my body to move out of that two foot by three foot space. Long walks were necessary to get my full range of motion active again. My current writer’s cave is the Taj Mahal compared to my first few. An eight by ten building located on property purposefully located in a quiet area of the southwest. It is hard to find areas not fully consumed by human noise, even wilderness areas are often plagued by aircraft and helicopters flying over on the regular.

I would say I have an unusual perspective of what my job is! Most would say it is to write, I would say it is to get my butt into the writer’s cave and keep it there. THAT is the hardest part of being a writer for me. Even though I love the process, life’s distractions and to-do lists often prevent me from being disciplined and getting into the cave. Therefore my job is to get me into the writing space and keep it there. If I do that, at some point in that multi-hour seclusion words will appear on the computer screen. 4,000 words can appear in 15 minutes, of course it took three hours of patience, perseverance, and wall staring to get there.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
This can be a long or short list depending on what is active in my memory!

Philosophy is an influence on me, many from what back-in-the-day we called the Orient, now it is called various things depending on the news channel, conversation, or day of the week. Either way, ancient philosophers and a more modern day philosopher that many think of as an entertainer vs philosopher are an influence on my personal mindset. Many are martial arts influenced and big picture battle influenced like the Art of War by Sun Tzu, The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi or the modern day one I hinted at, Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee is more known for his martial arts films than as a thinker. He is also a rebel at heart. He caught loads of flak for teaching his martial arts forms to non-traditionals long before it was socially acceptable to do so. Bruce Lee’s recordings of his mindset philosophies and his book Tao of Jeet Kune Do, “Jeet Kune Do, you see, has no definite lines or boundaries – only those you make yourself.” …just like the rest of life. Most of our limitations are self imposed or taught by those that think less of themselves than they could.

Stephen King is an author with books that have influenced my writings. He led the way for me in his books about human behavior in “situations” and how quickly the illusion of civilized society collapses in moments of survival, perceived or real. His master use of head-hopping and keeping me in the loop of what is going on in his character’s heads drives me to keep reading and validates my desire to keep my readers up to date on the goings on in my character’s heads. I love putting the reader behind the scenes on what drives the motivations of all. I believe this translates to a better understanding of all the humans we interact with as we go about our lives. I also love King’s unadulterated use of “supernatural” and other lesser believed possibilities. For if it isn’t logical it is easy to disbelieve if you are scientific minded and easier to believe from a spiritual perspective.

Joseph Campbell is also an huge influence on my writings. Ironically I first became attached to his hero’s journey outline while in film school. I thought I was there to learn to make documentary films and the independent film making process (and I did) yet what really stuck foremost in my mind is simple outline that has worked for humans since our mostly verbal story telling days. The hero’s journey is immortalized in a majority of Hollywood blockbusters, Disney films, and grandiose fishing stories everywhere. The Power of Myth is a homework type book for any storyteller, verbal, visual, or written.

What are you working on now?
Write now, in the world of C.M. Halstead a discovery of sorts is being organized. When I write rough drafts my goal is to keep my fingers moving, to stay in the creative flow as long as possible. If I find myself floundering on a longer story I often switch to a new idea or vent about life stuff. In the discovery process of reading through a rough draft I often find parables, short stories, etc. I am sorting through and compiling more than 25 of this incomplete works. Thus far my intention is to put them into two different works. One to contain four longer stories of 30-50,000 word length and the other to contain a plethora of stories from the shortness of allegories to the length of short stories. This will be C.M. Halstead’s first story compilation.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
As a creative, marketing is the hot burner on the stove, yet still mandatory for a chosen indie author. Time and word of mouth are my best assets at my current level. The only one better is to keep producing a volume of works.

All of my works can be found online or on apps. (Amazon, Goodreads, Ibooks, etc. to name a few) A simple search for C.M. Halstead through a search engine will always NET results. Me and surgical scissors are sure to come up in the results…..

If you are on Goodreads please follow my C.M. Halstead Author Page.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
My advice to new authors is to listen as little as possible to those that nitpick the details of writing and publishing. Those that say NEVER do this or NEVER do that and instead to listen to that part of you that knows and ALLOW the words to flow from your fingers without editing or judging them. When the judger and critic that lives in your head shows up, get up from your writing space and kick that creative king/queen killer out of your creative space. Make sure to slam the door on their rear end as they figuratively or literally depart. Then sit back down and go back to work knowing you did the right thing.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“Don’t Believe Everything You Think.” My brother from another said this to me once or twice a multitude of years ago and it has stuck with me since then. I also am acutely aware of those I run across who do the opposite of the above statement. They think that because their mind thought it, that it is data. This is not true. Everywhere are people lying to themselves just to justify a thought they had years ago. And worse, living a life based around this random thought. Just cause you think it happened, doesn’t mean it did. (the opposite is true also). Do some research, get some data, talk to others.

What are you reading now?
Reading has changed for me.

I attended film school about 15 years ago. I remember going to the movie theater to see a blockbuster towards the end of the second semester. To my surprise everything had changed for me. It was hard to get lost in the movie without judging the shot choices and angles, asking myself why they broke the plane, and suspending disbelief. It is like seeing the man behind the curtain in Wizard of Oz, once you’ve seen what’s behind the curtain, you cannot unsee it.

Now that I am a writer, reading has changed for me as well. I see the wizard behind the curtain, pick up on formulas, set the book down quicker (if it doesn’t keep me engaged). I’ve learned I thrive on storytellers over world builders, and that I am a storyteller over a world builder. Some writers get lost in world building, I like to get lost in the story. Therefore I tend to gravitate towards authors like Stephen King that let us in on the complete story, all sides and all thoughts. I also like thrillers, adventures, and the like. I’ve been doing homework on head-hopping, I am a fan and incorporate it into my stories. Somehow I’ve never read Stephen King’s Duma Key, I am reading it now. I just completed Cell (by Stephen King as well) for the first time.

I find myself on the verge of writing my first philosophy book and thinking about some of the old books I’ve read. I am being drawn back to the Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee and contemplating reading Art of War by Sun Tzu again. I’ve haven’t read that one since my early 20’s.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m currently sorting through 25 short stories, parables, allegories, etc that are in various stages of completion. Extending, editing, and organizing them into two books is my creative time focus over the coming winter.

I also have some books from The Tripper Series that have enough reviews for me to pay advertising for them. Learning the ins and outs of marketing on Amazon and Goodreads is next on my indie author homework list.

Also on my agenda is continuing road-trips with my partner Amy. We both love to drive, explore, and generally forget about everything as we meander about on highways, byways, and dirt roads in the vast expanse that is America. I cannot speak for my Misses, yet I can tell you nothing else my post traumatic stress more than getting into an automobile and driving as long and far as I can, setting up camp, listening to the local area and after a day or so, driving on to something different. Even returning home feels different after some quality time on the road.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I am likely to be far to practical than is fun, so therefore will bring SAS Survival Handbook by John Wiseman, Advanced Bushcraft by Dave Canterbury, The Anarchist Cookbook by William Powell, and The Survival Medicine Handbook by Joseph Alton and Amy Alton.

If I was being impractical I would bring books full of many stories to read and absorb over the years!

Author Websites and Profiles
C.M. Halstead Amazon Profile

C.M. Halstead’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile

J. Dallas Brooks 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
As a late Generation X’er, I grew up in the 80s, and it’s been my mission in writing to both allow those of us lucky enough to have experienced the decade to remember it, while also introducing it in a real way to those generations too young to know what it was all about. I’ve published a total of 7 books, but I’ve written several more than that (the first 8 manuscripts weren’t quite ready for prime time).

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Monster Melee ’85.
It’s a middle grade story that is set in the year 1985. The inspiration came from telling one of my children not to be frightened of imagined monsters in the dark. He looked at me like I must be insane, and the idea for one of the early chapters came to me. What if the monsters that frighten children aren’t just figments of their imagination? What if adults just tell themselves that as they lose the ability to see beyond the physical world around them? More important, what if kids could finally do something about those monsters? The real point of the story is self-reliance. Bravery. Courage. Determination.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I don’t obey a 24 hour clock when I’m in first draft mode.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
RL Stine – He showed me the rules for writing for middle grade audiences. Hint: it’s not good to pander or preach to this group of readers.
JK Rowling – She showed me that it’s o.k. to write what you like, regardless of what the trends are. Trends come and go. Good stories are eternal.
Michael Crichton – His hard science fiction is beyond reproach, and Jurassic Park was an early inspiration of mine…at the time when I would have been a Middle Grade reader.
Mark Twain – The tone, voice, style, and wit of this man represent the impossible goal that all writers must strive towards.
Stephen King – He taught me that being frightened is sometimes fun.

What are you working on now?
A sequel to Monster Melee ’85, called Monster Melee ’22. Billy and his 80s misfit crew will arrive in the present day for the next melee, only to them, the present is a far off distant future. The only question is, is it a dystopian nightmare, or something cool and unique? I’m also mapping out a screenplay about a young kid from today who ends up using his 80s trivia to save the entire galaxy.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Besides Awesomegang? I like to do a few ads on Amazon here and there, but largely I just rely on word of mouth.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Never give up.
Never surrender.
At least, don’t do it permanently. I quit writing forever at least once or twice a month. I’m an insufferable mess when it happens. As the saying goes, if you can quit writing, then go ahead and quit. Go be productive and do something useful with your life. If you can’t quit, then you’re definitely a writer. The wants and needs of agents is very subjective, so just keep working on your craft. If you’re not writing what people are looking for right now, just keep at it. You never know what’s going to strike someone’s fancy next month, next year, or in decades to come.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
One must know what’s inside the box to be able to claim to think outside of it.

What are you reading now?
I’m really into Voltaire (for the classics), but I’ve started reading more of the Goosebumps series from RL Stine. If I write in that space, I need to at least be familiar with the works of the the all-star of the genre.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Two screenplays, another middle grade novel, and then two more grown-up novels (sequels in the Martian Mist trilogy).

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Jurassic Park – Crichton.
Collected essays from Mark Twain.
Candide by Voltaire.
And hopefully some kind of book on how to survive on a deserted island!

Author Websites and Profiles
J. Dallas Brooks Website
J. Dallas Brooks Amazon Profile

J. Dallas Brooks’s Social Media Links
Twitter Account

Kerry Backes 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Kerry Backes, pen name K.B Wedderburn. I am a 20 year old writer from South Africa and a queer woman. My first published novel is available on webcomic but I have published multiple poems and short stories through literary magazines and writing competitions.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The Arsenic Melody, has roots in colonialism and the history of South African dependance but is other wise a fantasy series of my own creation, if not inspired by the likes of Robin Hobb and Tolkien.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I have a dreadful schedule, and hate it when my feet touch the floor while writing, but other than that I’m quite boring.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Tolkien, George R.R Martin and Robin Hobb are my favorite fantasy authors. But humanitarian and philosophy novels like The Kite Runner and No Longer Human inspire me to be a better writer and person.

What are you working on now?
I am working on The Arsenic Melody which is still serializing with weekly updates and I am working on The Throne of Sorrowfall a interactive choice novel, to be published on HostedGames.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have only used social media and webnovel for promotion in the past,but I hope Awesome Gang will double that exposure!

Do you have any advice for new authors?
You have to need to write. Growing up I loved writing and I was first published at fourteen but the writing I am most proud of is the stuff I couldn’t live without writing. I find that stories are a lot like pets, you have to nurture them and need them as badly as they need you to be successful.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Anyone can write a book, but no one else can write your book.

What are you reading now?
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

What’s next for you as a writer?
To publish the completed Arsenic Melody as well as The Throne of Sorrowfall.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
No Longer Human, A Thousand Splendid Suns, The Hobbit and The Magic Ship.

Author Websites and Profiles
Kerry Backes Website

L A Lewins 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m a former archaeologist and lover of history and palaeontology. In fiction, I love fantasy, sci-fi, and post-apocalyptic. I’m also an artist and crafter as well as a collector of tattoos.
I always wanted to be a writer and finally took the plunge and self-published my first fantasy novel in May 2020. I have just finished the second book of the trilogy which will be released at the end of October 2021.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My debut fantasy novel is The Mage’s Journal. I’ll admit there wasn’t so much inspiration as looking for something to do during the university Christmas holidays, many years ago now. With all my work finished and three weeks to kill I thought it would be a good time to finally get down to writing a novel. After several years and many re-writes, I finally decided to show it to the world in 2020.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write all my novels by hand. I prefer writing by hand and it makes the editing process easier as I can make changes as I write it up. It also means I take it with me wherever I go. You can frequently find me at craft fairs, writing another chapter or two.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I read Jurassic Park at an early age and that has always stuck with me, I re-read it every couple of years. In terms of authors, I would have to say Robin Hobb and Trudi Canavan have been my biggest influences.

What are you working on now?
I have recently finished book two of the Soastan’s Magic trilogy and am in the process of the final edits and dreaded blurb writing. I’ve also recently started the first book in a post-apocalyptic series. I will be starting the final Soastan’s Magic in January 2022, I always find it’s a good idea to step away from a series for a couple of months to give the ideas time to flow and make sense!

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t try and force an idea. If it really isn’t working or it just doesn’t grab you, it isn’t meant to be. But, DON’T give up. Pick another idea and see how it goes developing that one.
And ALWAYS write your ideas down, even if it’s just a few prompts on a scrap of paper, write them down.

What are you reading now?
I’m currently reading a book about boy soldiers of world war one by Richard van Emden.

What’s next for you as a writer?
To complete the Soastan’s Magic trilogy and start work on the next fantasy instalment as well as get my first post-apocalyptic offering out there.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Jurassic Park
The Assassin’s Apprentice
The Great War: 1914-1918
Alien/Predator Omnibus

Author Websites and Profiles
L A Lewins Website
L A Lewins Amazon Profile

L A Lewins’s Social Media Links
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account

Sherri Hollister 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I have published eight books, nine if you include the box set for my first three books. I’m currently working on three books, two are part of my current series, The Harrell Family Chronicles. The third book is something totally different, a historical series I’ve been playing with for several years.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Willow’s Retreat released in September, the main character Dr. Willow Rider is estranged from her family. She wants a second chance with her husband and sons but when ghosts from the past threaten them she will sacrifice herself to keep them safe. She is surprised to learn they are willing to do the same for her. After the family’s home is attacked by a motorcycle gang, Willow comes to terms with her own failings and instead of retreating as she has in the past, she faces them and gains all she has been hoping for, a home and family. With the help of those she loves she starts a therapy ranch, thus Willow’s Retreat takes on another meaning.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
They aren’t unusual for me. Since I’m still employed full time and have a very large family, six sons and twenty-one grandchildren, I’ve learned to carve out time wherever I can. I write on my phone, usually just scenes or notes, on my laptop at work or when I take my mom to doctors, and although I don’t outline, I do plan parts of my story and I fast draft. I think fast drafting is a lot like an outline but it works as my first draft. It’s a rough, bare bones story which I later go back and add details and emotions.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Oh wow, so many… being a part of several writer’s groups I have had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful authors in person: Reese Ryan, Virginia Kantra, Sabrina Jeffries and Maya Rodale, but one I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting but would love to is Jayne Ann Krentz. JAK made me believe that I could write historical or contemporary books because she wrote successfully in both worlds.

What are you working on now?
My main focus at the moment is a Christmas novella for my current series. I’m hoping to get it out the first of November.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I use Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. I believe Twitter is reviving again, while Facebook is losing traction. Instagram seems to be holding steady but LinkedIn has begun to pick up notice. I have also gained more attention with my website. I haven’t taken the time to learn any of the newer methods, it’s already a juggling act to be present on these other sites.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t wait until you are ready to publish to start gaining followers on social media. Build your audience early. Share your writing, research, interest, etc. It will be only friends and family at first but you will be surprised by how it builds.
Do not be afraid to write your truth even in fiction. Someone needs the story you are writing. Write and rewrite until it’s good but remember it will never be perfect but that’s okay, publish it anyway.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Not just for writing but for life, do what scares you. If you aren’t a little afraid, do you care enough? Write, do what you are passionate about not what everyone expects or what is popular.

What are you reading now?
I’m reading a debut suspense novel by L C Larsen “Some Men Deserve to Die” and a historical romance by Erica Ridley, “The Duke Heist.”

What’s next for you as a writer?
I am planning another book in my Harrell Family Chronicles and plan to get my historical series finished and launched next year.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I don’t know how to answer that question, the practical side of me says I need a survival guide, maybe something by Bear Gillis, I’d want a journal to write in, a Bible to give me hope and comfort, and one of my favorite authors, Jayne Ann Krentz or Sabrina Jeffries, maybe Reese Ryan.

Author Websites and Profiles
Sherri Hollister Website
Sherri Hollister Amazon Profile

Sherri Hollister’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account
Pinterest Account

Edward Joseph 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m 78-years old and a retired educator. I have been freelance writing since I retired and have had articles published in local newspapers and magazines, as well as national magazines and books, e.g. The Saturday Evening Post and Chicken Soup for the Soul. I have written three books, two of which I have self published: The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Teacher and my latest, Giving Back: Memories, Reflections and Lessons Learned.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Giving Back: Memories Reflections and Lessons Learned is my latest book. I was looking for a new project and it occurred to me to pick out 50 articles that I had written and publish them in a book. Forty-four of the articles in Giving Back have been previously published, mostly in newspapers for senior citizens.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I’m not sure how unusual they are, but I write in six-week segments and then take a week off. I find writing for approximately 45 minutes five days a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday is the most effective schedule for me. I was a teacher for 24 years and it makes me smile to remember that most of my teaching periods were for approximately 45 minutes. I always write the time when I start, and once I have completed the writing segment I give myself a smiley face.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
John Steinbeck, all of his books, Loren Eiseley’s, All the Strange Hours: The Excavation of a Life, and William Zinsser’s, On Writing Well: An informal guide to writing nonfiction.

What are you working on now?
Right now I’m spending most of my time marketing Giving Back: Memories, Reflections and Lessons Learned.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m using a variety of sources, like Awesome Gang to steer as many readers to amazon as possible. I have also used websites, e.g., to generate reviews.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write the best book you can, and remember you will need almost the same amount of energy and time to market your work. If you are focusing on nonfiction, I would strongly recommend reading—more than once—William Zinsser’s On Writing Well: An informal guide to writing nonfiction.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Writing should not be your life but should emerge out of your life.

What are you reading now?
Actually, rereading, Loren Eiseley’s All the Strange Hours: The Excavation of a life.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m not sure. My strength is short nonfiction articles, but I have written some short stories. I think when I’m finally finished marketing Giving Back; I will spend time “listening” as to what I should do next.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Grapes of Wrath, 100 Years of the Best American Short Stories, The Lost Notebooks of Loren Eiseley.

Author Websites and Profiles
Edward Joseph Amazon Profile

Edward Joseph’s Social Media Links
Facebook Profile

Briana Johnson 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My earliest memories involve telling made-up stories to an audience of stuffed animals. After my brother was born, I had a new captive audience. My family encouraged me to begin writing these bedtime stories down, and the writing bug bit.

Growing up in a military family (dad was in the Army), I had the opportunity to travel to many different states and even several European countries. Austria, Poland, France, and Italy were all places I visited while living in Germany, and by the time I was 14, I’d lived in 4 different US states as well. I’ll always be a Texas girl at heart, though.

I live in Warrenton, GA, with my family, a spoiled rotten cocker spaniel (Hershey Kisses), and a squeaky toy obsessed Yorkie (Buttons). My hobbies include cooking, sewing, paper crafting, various other crafting styles, reading, writing, and raising puppies alongside my family. To say I’m a ‘dog-lover would be putting it mildly. Growing up, dogs have always been a special part of my family, and I love to see the joy our puppies bring into the lives of their new families as well.

I enjoy writing for children. Through my stories, I desire to point kids to Christ and teach them essential values to help them as they grow. I attend Grace Baptist Church and am a born-again Christian (saved on March 11, 2015).

My new book of “Wait for the Turtle” is my first book to be released. It’s been a dream come true, and I am excited to see what the rest of this journey will lead.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My current book is called “Wait for the Turtle.” It is the story of young Princess Charity who is waiting for ‘Prince Charming to come along. While she waits, she finds herself in many humorous adventures and learns valuable lessons in character-building. As different princes arrive at the palace, she soon discovers that true beauty lies on the inside.

One of my favorite things about the book is real dogs inspired all the canine characters. have been a special part of my family over the years. Their pictures are even included at the back of the book.

The idea to start writing for children came one day at our local bookstore. As an avid book-reader, I often find myself gravitating to the children’s book section. It was then while browsing through the assortment of books available, I noticed there weren’t many with clear, character-building lessons behind them.

The question came to mind.” “What would I want my children to read one da”?”
That’s when I decided I wanted my writing to not only be fun and enjoyable for children but also teach important life lessons and character qualities. The discussion questions included at the end of each chapter help enforce these lessons as well as provide an opportunity for parents to further expound upon them.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
First, I need a tranquil space to write, well, quiet except for the extra loud snoring of my cocker spaniel across the room.

My favorite place to write is my comfy glider chair with my IPad, a cup of peppermint hot chocolate, and a fluffy blanket.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
My King James Bible is the Book that has had the most influence on my life. No other book is comparable to it.
As far as fiction books go, I read almost non-stop as a child. Rarely was there a time I didn’t have a book in my hands, either a new or an old well-loved favorite.

Thus my list of favorites is pretty long. The Little House books introduced me to the joy of reading, so they’ll always be one of my top favorites. Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, The Boxcar Children series, Sugar Creek Gang, The 1,000 Mile Journey by Ed Dunlop, and anything else from The Sword of the Lord publishers is a few more of my favorites.

As a teenager/young adult, I was given a set of The Orphan Train Trilogy series by Al and Joanna Lacy, and I fell in love with historical fiction/Christian fiction. Their Frontier Doctor Trilogy, Battles of Destiny series, Hannah of Fort Bridger series, Shadow of Liberty series, and The Kane Legacy series are also great reads. A few other favorites of mine are Private Captain by Marty Crisp and The Orphan Train Adventures by Joan Lowery Nixon…I can’t count how many times I’ve read these.

What are you working on now?
At the moment, I’m working on the next book featuring ‘Princess Charity and her adventures’ in Paw Print Paradise. I’m excited about the book idea and can’t wait to share it with everyone. It’s in the early stages, though, so I’m still trying to get all the poly holes worked out. Maybe it’ll be ready for release by sometime next year.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I was excited to be referred to Ms. Cat Lyon of ‘Lyon Literary Services’ to help me market my first book. She came highly recommended. I had no clue or even didn’t know where to start sharing my book. She custom-built my marketing plan and put it in action. But she also is teaching me how at the same time. I live way out in the country, so our phone and internet can be a problem with having no service or a good connection.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t try to write the next bestseller. If you have a story to tell, just write it.

It won’t be perfect. You will probably want to throw your first draft in the trash and just forget the whole idea, but please don’t do that.

Every great book was once a rough draft. Only through careful editing did it become significant. Find a good writing group to belong to and are willing to offer helpful feedback, support, and encouragement along this journey.

Remember, you can do it! If I can write a book, then anyone can!

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
One of the most important writing advice I’ve learned is to write your entire piece before going back to start the editing/rewriting process. I’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my writing.

When I write a terrible, choppy sentence, I’m tempted to go back, edit, and rewrite immediately. However, when I allow myself to do that, I rarely get much writing done. A rough draft is supposed to be rough, hence the name.

Resist the temptation and just let your creative juices flow. Worry about improving it later.

What are you reading now?
My Bible is currently the only book I’m reading at the moment. Life is a bit busy, so my “to-be-read” stack has started piling up.

Right now, this stack consists primarily of various children’s chapter books. Hopefully, I’ll be able to start reading these soon.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I’ve got several ideas for future books for my “Princess Charity and the Paw Print Paradise Adventures.” The last book was a stand-alone story, although I am considering starting a series with the next. We’ll see what happens.

One day, I would also like to write for older children/young adults as well. My idea for these books is based on the bedtime stories I used to tell my brother. It has evolved and grown over the years, with the outline for the first in the series finally complete. Who knows, maybe someday I’ll get around to transforming it into an actual book.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
My King James Bible, of course. It’s the only book I need.

However, if I had to pick three other books as well, I’m not sure which ones they’d be. There are so many favorites it’s hard just to pick a few.

It would probably depend on what I was in the mood for at the time. I might pick a few from my ‘to-be-read pile.’ Perhaps then I’d have a chance to read them finally.

Author Websites and Profiles
Briana Johnson Website
Briana Johnson Amazon Profile

Briana Johnson’s Social Media Links
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Yuval Kanev 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I live in Haifa, a beautiful city, which is quite refreshing at the time of the coronavirus. I really enjoy walking up to mount Carmel or down to the seashore.
I have been painting in oils for a long time, and you can have a glance at my works if you just google a bit.
Throughout the years I have published three books, and the present one is my first in English. Truly, the whole project of writing and bringing it out in Amazon was quite an effort.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Frail Earth followed my old suspicions of all sorts of elitism.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not really.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I am not sure. The authors I like most, say, Graham Greene, Garcia Marquez, Chekhov, have not actually influenced me. But maybe I am wrong.

What are you working on now?
Still quite busy with all the nuts and bolts an indie has to take care of.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Cannot say. This sophisticated kind of world is something I’m just beginning to understand.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Citing Shakespeare is the best I can do:
Follow your heart.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Just look above.

What are you reading now?
Mainly couple of old paperbacks I keep returning to.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Who knows?

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Maybe not even one.
Maybe it would be best just to walk, look, hear, feel.

Author Websites and Profiles
Yuval Kanev Website
Yuval Kanev Amazon Profile

Yuval Kanev’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile

Diana Nixon 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m the USA Today & International Bestselling Author. I write sweet and spicy romance reads. A book addict and a Master of Law (in the past), I know how to weave plots that will keep you hooked from start to finish. My stories can be funny or tragic, but my characters are strong, rebellious, and passionate about everything they do. When I’m not busy writing, I spend my time reading books or watching historical dramas. A mom of two, I can’t live without coffee and chocolate and I believe that writing is the best cure for everything that can be healed with words.

My books have been published internationally, in seven languages: English, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, French, and Portuguese.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
One of my upcoming releases in a collection of my most popular stories, united in a box set. Another new release is a romantic comedy – Oden – it’s the third story from the Bachelors on Sale series that is filled with humor, passion, and romance. I love making people laugh and Oden is the exact story that you need to make your day!

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Except for coffee and chocolate that I can’t live without, I don’t think I do.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
At the beginning of my writing career, I was a huge fan of J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer. My first series of books was full of magic and all things fantasy. Later on, I switched to writing contemporary romances.

What are you working on now?
At the moment, I’m working on the first story in my Saint No More series. ALL MY NEVERS will be out in January 2022 and it will tell a story of a broken boy who grows up into a very closed and wounded man whose past hovers like a shadow above his head and he needs to find a way to live with the demons haunting his soul on a daily basis.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I love sharing my stories on social media and sometimes I use websites like Awesome Gang and BookRebel to get more exposure.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Keep writing no matter what, keep developing what you do and never give up on your dreams.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Whatever you do in your writing career, make sure it’s professionally done, either it’s your website or your new book cover. Better spend more time polishing your work, than let the world see its flaws.

What are you reading now?
Vicious by L.J. Shen.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Another series of dark romances 🙂

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Gone with the Wind, Harry Potter, Beautiful Bastard, Unforgiven (my own LOL) and Egomaniac.

Author Websites and Profiles
Diana Nixon Website
Diana Nixon Amazon Profile

Diana Nixon’s Social Media Links
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Facebook Profile

Salman Aziz 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Before starting, I would like to thank the Awesome Gang Magazine for letting me tell people about my book writing journey through this interview! People are often curious about who really “Salman Aziz” is! Because most of the time they know me by my artistic and literary works, especially for my quotes! When introducing myself, I must say I am just like an average human being from Bangladesh who has the biggest dream to make something rare. Though I have obtained a hon’s degree in computer science and engineering, the arts always attract my mind. That’s why I try to do something different, something special and unique that others have never done!
In my early days, I used to be a blogger. But my fans inspired me to become an indie author and artist! What I am today is only for the love of my fans. Their support has let me write 2 books individually. My first book is called “6th September: A Very Unknown Mysterious Story”, which came out in 2017. After that, I took a long break to explore something new. And in 2021, I’ve come back with a new book.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Well, my latest published book is “Bold and Bitter Statements: Volume 1”. From the title, people can guess how the book will be! Actually, it is a philosophical book that contains lots of bitter truths about humans, nature, human behaviors, and abstract knowledge. Before revealing which or what thing inspired me to write this book, I would love to share the back story.
When I was suffering from writer’s block, I could not find a topic to write about. I was already suffering from “Major Depressive Disorder”, and this situation made me feel like I am over! Though I am still battling with this!
After that, I decided to write something that is related to humans. I started to gather knowledge about human psychology, and human behaviors. I build up the concepts and began to write my abstract knowledge in my own way. I must say humans, nature, and every single thing inspired me to write bold statements. Because I realize that everything has an individual story to tell, and from that, we can learn many things.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Yes, kind of! I usually listen to music to feel the emotions and as well as imagine the circumstances inside me! Music really helps me to write about things! Besides that, I watch related videos. And yes, I take notes on my phone whenever I get any new ideas.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
According to me, William Shakespeare, Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Jasimuddin, Rabindranath Tagore, Kazi Nazrul Islam, they all have their own individual styles to create authentic literary works. Like them, every author with authentic writing skills influences me to write in my own way!

What are you working on now?
Right now, I am kinda busy promoting my book and taking part in interviews. And at the same time, I am also preparing myself for the next book.
Besides that, I have made a short film “Lost in the Black Hole”, which is the first-ever symbolic cult horror short film in Bangladesh. I am participating in international film festivals. Already, my film has been officially selected in many international festivals, and most of all I got a nomination for the best short film under Tareq Shariar Best Short Film in 2019’s 15th International short & independent film festival (ISIFF).
It is a huge achievement in my life!

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Of course, I always try to find a suitable method that is free of cost, fast, and effective to promote my books. For this reason, I always choose Awesome Gang Magazine and its sister websites as well as some paid PR. And besides that, I promote my books on my social media! I also communicate with reviewers to review my books for free!

Do you have any advice for new authors?
I have seen many writers do their best in the first step, but as the day passes, they begin to lose the aim. My advice will be for them that, “Do not lose your passion for the literary works! You must keep going forward. In this path, people may discourage you, but do not lose your faith in your inner power!”

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
If I truly answer this, that will be a little bit awkward. Because most of the time in my life people always have discouraged me! They used to say that, “I should not write”, “I write craps”, and “my writes are too bold and horrible to read”! But alongside that, I’ve got encouragement from many people all over the world which has given me the power to write. They have advised me not to stop! If I fall down, I must stand up and start my journey again!

What are you reading now?
It’s quite hard to answer! Because I have no specific topics or books to read. Whenever something unknown catches my eyes, I begin to read about that. It can be a book or a topic on online portals. But I love to learn about new things.

What’s next for you as a writer?
The future is completely unknown! It depends on what will be my next move in the present time. If my fate allows me to stay as an author, I would love to write the rarest book which is beyond the imagination of human beings.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
If I ever get a chance to stay alone on a remote island, I will be the happiest person! Because I will get full of time to explore nature and my inner strength. And most of all I will get enough time to become close to the creator of every creation. For this, I will take a religious book that contains knowledge about all kinds of religions that exist on this earth! So that, it will help me to know about the supreme power who is running everything in this whole universe. Secondly, a book of knowledge that contains every single detail about everything. And last, I will take a book which will teach me how to survive in every moment.
I know, it may sound like I am taking all the things with me! But yes, I will probably do that if my luck ever allows me to make it happen! That’s all I can say!
And once again, many thanks to the magazine team for this wonderful interview!

Author Websites and Profiles
Salman Aziz Website
Salman Aziz Amazon Profile
Salman Aziz Author Profile on Smashwords

Salman Aziz’s Social Media Links
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Sthepanie Ermenegild 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m an author and educator specialized in leadership training for teens and women.
As the coach and a former player of the women’s volleyball team, I worked to slowly build my leadership skills which had helped me flourish in years of working in the corporate sector.
I have written two books for the moment “Leadership Skills at the Middle School for Teens” and “Leadership Workbook for Women”.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My last name is “Leadership Workbook for Women” and it is dedicated to all women who need advice to overcome difficulties at work both as a leader and as an employee and who are often underestimated by colleagues for the simple fact of being women, and to the working mothers that they have to face, every day, a thousand daily commitments between home and work!

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I like to write listening to music regardless of whether it is classical, rock, pop, reggae, music relaxes me and gives me energy to be able to write.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Patricia Cornwell, without a doubt.

What are you working on now?
I am preparing some drafts regarding the area of relationships in social life with particular reference to women.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
A W E S O M E G A N G !

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Work hard and follow your dreams..

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Rome wasn’t built in a day .. work hard and you will see that the results will slowly arrive, and without realizing it, you will see that one piece at a time you too will have built your Rome made of successes!

What are you reading now?
Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen.

What’s next for you as a writer?
As a writer, woman and mother, my greatest aspiration is to be able to help all women, with my advice, to face job challenges head-on and to find a balance between work and family in a way that they don’t feel too overwhelmed by both and can freely enjoy their life!

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Moby Dick – Herman Melville, The Count of Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas, Key Scarpetta – Patricia Cornwell.. but I would probably bring many more!

Author Websites and Profiles
Sthepanie Ermenegild Amazon Profile

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Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I was born and brought up in South Calcutta (India), and my growing up years was very much influenced by Literature and History studies. I studied in Gokhale Memorial Girls’ School and Presidency College, Calcutta. Websites recognized my name internationally on Academic Research as Google Scholar, White Academia Logo with a book published from Partridge International, USA, named Realization (Documents Based on Self-Scholarly Effects with Google Scholar Citations on Selected Works of Shakespeare’s Othello and Hamlet, John Keats’ Ode to Nightingale and a story of Rabindranath Tagore from Bengali Literature.) My work has been explored recently at Oxford Bookstores, Kolkata with my historical book, ‘The Immortal Fly: Eternal Whispers’ published from Partridge International in Association with Penguin Random House, UK. Recently, I have come out with the book Illusion Verses Reality: Based on Reverie, A Collection of Poems for ISC, which is a book of poetry and its analysis published from Kolkata (Calcutta, 24 by 7 Publishers). Apart from Author and a Critic, I am a teacher at both British and English Literature.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is based on poetry , as named Illusion Verses Reality: Based on Reverie, A Collection of Poems for ISC.
From students of higher classes and learners, I received feedback that they find it difficult to do a proper mapping of how to develop and write perspective answers, which also include their self views and thoughts. Most of the books in the market based on Reverie: A Collection of ISC Poems are workbooks for examination purposes. This compelled me to write this book, but in a different way, and this is indicated in the subtitle of the book – ‘In a time of destruction, create something’.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Generally, what I feel I want to write that. I am too choosy to hold my pen to write something in particular, as far. Everything what I write and do, together makes me still to feel very unsatisfied. Naturally, my thoughts come out through my innumerable unusual scribblings inside my copy or alike.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I like to read some of my chosen poetic works, some of my passionate novels and stories where I still used to think, ” If I ever can be like them!”

What are you working on now?
This year I recently finished a book ‘Illusion Verses Reality: Based on Reverie’. Now, I want to touch something different. Let me complete the work to get revealed, then.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
No doubt Google and other websites promoting my name a lot, but personally I prefer Interviews to connect with people round the world.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
The young authors are very busy and exploited to be so far named and trolled. Instead of being fumbling Consequences, the authors should have their prolonged efforts, as far as possible, with Clarity and Correctness, Perseverance and Patience, Reading and Research, Discovering and Modulation, apart from self-Feelings and his Perception.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Eternal Whispers, as mentioned in the historical book ‘The Immortal Fly :Eternal Whispers’ [ ]when Ma had words to me, “World will recognise you through your writing.” (Translated from Bengali Language).

What are you reading now?
I am presently reading Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. While reading, am trying to analyse the then period with today. Much to be learnt by generation , also, to avoid future anarchy : Politics or Emotions…A World is on Fire, unless rectified visually.

What’s next for you as a writer?
As a writer, want to be attached with more testimonials and promotions, to attend the international book fairs, to submit my articles more and obviously ready to face failures, challenges , criticisms and promotion.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Well, my choice will be then on my experiences so far are Great Expectations, The Ugly Duckling and Songs of Innocence and Experience.

Author Websites and Profiles
Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri Website
Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri Amazon Profile
Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri Author Profile on Smashwords

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Christy Piper 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
This is my first published book, but I’ve started a few drafts I’m still adding to.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Girl, You Deserve More: How to Break His Spell over You, Escape Your Toxic Partner, and Become Independent. Going through this difficult situation myself more than once, and seeing other women (and men) struggle with it made me want to write a motivational and practical guide.

It addresses a lot of their emotional struggles that mental health professionals who haven’t been through it before may not fully understand. This book is actually more for the people who want to help those in the situation, because the ones in the situation are so blocked right now, they wouldn’t even know to search for this book.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I like to go to bed early, so I can wake up naturally between 4-6am. This is when I get my best writing done, when I’m well rested and my mind is clear. I try to get as much writing done in the morning as possible. When inspiration hits me throughout the day, I write the ideas down in the notes app of my phone. That way I can incorporate it into my books later.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’ve been influenced most by those who’ve overcome a lot of adversity to share their (or their character’s) story of resilience to inspire others. I like Robert Greene (48 Laws of Power, Laws of Human Nature), J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter), Veronica Roth (Divergent), Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games), Chris Voss (Never Split the Difference), David Goggins (Can’t Hurt Me), Meredith Miller (Inner Integration), Seth Godin, Napoleon Hill, Neville Goddard.

Books on personality types like Myers Briggs and Enneagram have influenced me, because they helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses, and my mission in life. Books on narcissism and healing from those characters; they helped me realize why I have these characters in my life, and how to heal myself from attracting these types.

What are you working on now?
I’m working on material (books, podcast, videos) that will help those who’ve been in a narcissist or toxic person’s grip. They will gain their confidence, and be able to repel these people in the future. Whether the toxic person is a partner, “friend,” family member, coworker, or boss, I’m passionate about helping you become toxic proof. To inspire you to change your role in life– You can be whatever you choose to be! Just decide today 🙂

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Start with those you already know. Ask them to buy or recommend your book to their friends who may like it. Ask to be on a a guest on their podcast. Start your own podcast or Youtube channel. That’s how you get warm leads who actually want your book.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Work hard to get sales and reviews your first week. Ask friends and other authors who you’ve helped out. They will have a more vested interest in your success. Temporarily lower your book price to make it easy for people to support you. Don’t just blast your links everywhere and spam people. Don’t beg or try to convince people to buy your book. It will make you feel dirty and desperate in the end.

If they can’t see the value and won’t support you for $1, they aren’t your true friend, don’t want you to succeed, aren’t your customer, or just don’t know value when they see it. Try not to take it personal. The average person is not a reader and does not want to work to improve themselves, which is why they are mediocre.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” ~ Albert Schweitzer

“A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.” ~ Henry Kissinger

“If you deliberately plan to be less than you are capable of being, then I want to warn you that you’ll be deeply unhappy the rest of your life.” ~ Abraham Maslow

“Make time for planning: Wars are won in the general’s tent.” ~ Stephen Covey

“Do or don’t do. There is no try.” ~ Yoda

“You can’t expect the benefits without taking the risks.” ~ Christy Piper

“Anyone can be nice to a stranger. When you get comfortable with someone, that’s when their true self comes out.” ~ Christy Piper

What are you reading now?
I am reading old time authors like Joseph Murphy, Neville Goddard, Napoleon Hill, and Florence Shovel Shinn on the power of the subconscious mind. These are authors and topics I read a little bit at a time, so I can always keep these ideas top of mind to inspire my life.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I will be working on more follow up books on how to disarm, defeat, and rid yourself of the toxic people in your life.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Harry Potter, the Zohar, the Bible, a comprehensive book on how to survive on a desert island.

Author Websites and Profiles
Christy Piper Website
Christy Piper Amazon Profile

Christy Piper’s Social Media Links
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Pinterest Account

Christy Piper 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
This is my first published book, but I’ve started a few drafts I’m still adding to.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Girl, You Deserve More: How to Break His Spell over You, Escape Your Toxic Partner, and Become Independent. Going through this difficult situation myself more than once, and seeing other women (and men) struggle with it made me want to write a motivational and practical guide.

It addresses a lot of their emotional struggles that mental health professionals who haven’t been through it before may not fully understand. This book is actually more for the people who want to help those in the situation, because the ones in the situation are so blocked right now, they wouldn’t even know to search for this book.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I like to go to bed early, so I can wake up naturally between 4-6am. This is when I get my best writing done, when I’m well rested and my mind is clear. I try to get as much writing done in the morning as possible. When inspiration hits me throughout the day, I write the ideas down in the notes app of my phone. That way I can incorporate it into my books later.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’ve been influenced most by those who’ve overcome a lot of adversity to share their (or their character’s) story of resilience to inspire others. I like Robert Greene (48 Laws of Power, Laws of Human Nature), J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter), Veronica Roth (Divergent), Suzanne Collins (Hunger Games), Chris Voss (Never Split the Difference), David Goggins (Can’t Hurt Me), Meredith Miller (Inner Integration), Seth Godin, Napoleon Hill, Neville Goddard.

Books on personality types like Myers Briggs and Enneagram have influenced me, because they helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses, and my mission in life. Books on narcissism and healing from those characters; they helped me realize why I have these characters in my life, and how to heal myself from attracting these types.

What are you working on now?
I’m working on material (books, podcast, videos) that will help those who’ve been in a narcissist or toxic person’s grip. They will gain their confidence, and be able to repel these people in the future. Whether the toxic person is a partner, “friend,” family member, coworker, or boss, I’m passionate about helping you become toxic proof. To inspire you to change your role in life– You can be whatever you choose to be! Just decide today 🙂

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Start with those you already know. Ask them to buy or recommend your book to their friends who may like it. Ask to be on a a guest on their podcast. Start your own podcast or Youtube channel. That’s how you get warm leads who actually want your book.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Work hard to get sales and reviews your first week. Ask friends and other authors who you’ve helped out. They will have a more vested interest in your success. Temporarily lower your book price to make it easy for people to support you. Don’t just blast your links everywhere and spam people. Don’t beg or try to convince people to buy your book. It will make you feel dirty and desperate in the end.

If they can’t see the value and won’t support you for $1, they aren’t your true friend, don’t want you to succeed, aren’t your customer, or just don’t know value when they see it. Try not to take it personal. The average person is not a reader and does not want to work to improve themselves, which is why they are mediocre.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.” ~ Albert Schweitzer

“A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.” ~ Henry Kissinger

“If you deliberately plan to be less than you are capable of being, then I want to warn you that you’ll be deeply unhappy the rest of your life.” ~ Abraham Maslow

“Make time for planning: Wars are won in the general’s tent.” ~ Stephen Covey

“Do or don’t do. There is no try.” ~ Yoda

“You can’t expect the benefits without taking the risks.” ~ Christy Piper

“Anyone can be nice to a stranger. When you get comfortable with someone, that’s when their true self comes out.” ~ Christy Piper

What are you reading now?
I am reading old time authors like Joseph Murphy, Neville Goddard, Napoleon Hill, and Florence Shovel Shinn on the power of the subconscious mind. These are authors and topics I read a little bit at a time, so I can always keep these ideas top of mind to inspire my life.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I will be working on more follow up books on how to disarm, defeat, and rid yourself of the toxic people in your life.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Harry Potter, the Zohar, the Bible, a comprehensive book on how to survive on a desert island.

Author Websites and Profiles
Christy Piper Website
Christy Piper Amazon Profile

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