Here Is Your Awesomegang Authors Newsletter

Published: Tue, 09/21/21

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Tony Levy 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I was born 14 August 1951 in Tottenham, London, England. Happily married to my best friend and soul mate but it took both of us to reach our 40s before we found each other and we have been together ever since and I am still in love with my wife. We have two daughters and four grandchildren all now teenagers.
I spent most of my formative life in and around Tottenham and London. I love football and always wanted to be a professional footballer (soccer) but was not good enough. I have always loved cats and presently my wife and I have two cats that we rescued from some terrible storms two years ago. We help out with the local CNR group to capture street cats and get them neutered then return them to the wild.
I have now written three books my first was supposed to be my one and only book released in 2011 called A Turnkey or Not? its based on my 25 year career as a Prison Officers in Her Majesty’s Prison Service in the UK.
My second book El Dorado? No! Heathrow Airport is all about my second career as a security officer at Heathrow Airport, and my latest book a prequal is The Road to “L” all about when I was a driving instructor in Central London back in the early 1980’s.
All my books are about people and my personal quest to find my own piece of El Dorado.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The Road to ‘L’ Do you remember your driving instructor? Well, they sure remember you.
My latest book is another biography but is a prequal to my other two books and my continued searched to find my own piece of El Dorado.
It is a humorous memoir. Set in Central London during the period 1981 to 1983 when I was a driving instructor in London working for The British School of Motoring. Pitched somewhere between the old English classic carry-on films and a series of sexy films called Confessions of… It is a humorous memoir of my time as a driving instructor; I reveal the stories of what can happen on a driving lesson, the offers of sexual favours and the actual driving routes I used all around the famous and historic landmarks of London. My books are all humorous memoirs hopefully in the style of Terry Pratchett They should appeal to anybody who likes anecdotal tales, I have tried to write in the style that would make you believe you are in a restaurant and I am with you just recounted episodes of my life or in a pub having a drink with friends, and I’m relating anecdotal stories about my life to you. The Road to ‘L’ is an eye-opening poignant and often hilarious romp through my years as a professional driving instructor in Central London back in the early 1980s.
I’ll tell you about people’s behaviour, conversations and downright dangerous things that happened to me during their lessons and their time learning to drive in my tuition car.
Read about the amazing things that really happened to me which could have come straight out of a Bond movie, the inappropriate offers of sex I received, and you will meet the amazing sister Mary Clara and her meeting with one of the famous Beatles back in the day.
Travel throughout London and all the amazing sites this city offers and all on a driving lesson, or be part of being bombed twice in one day on two separate lessons, by the IRA.
Learn about the Falkland Islands war, from the perspective of both sides.
My book is a journey through the eyes of a professional driving instructor that will amaze you and also amuse you. It gives you a chronological history of the world events that affected London during this period, and of course about learning to drive a car and what can happen on a driving lesson.
But in reality, the book is about people and how they can reveal so much about themselves whilst in the company of their driving instructor. With some amazing stories, and some scary situations, but above all humour.
This book is a prequel to my first two books and a further look into the story of my life and my search for my own piece of El Dorado.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Hmm not sure about unusual writing habits but my way of writing as its memoirs is based on thinking of incidents and then a chapter title and from there developing the chapter, once writing I then put the chapters in a chronological order so the book has a natural flow to how it reads

What authors, or books have influenced you?
My favourite author is Sir Winston Churchill and his amazing book ‘The History of the English speaking people’. An incredible look at the English and England from the perspective of one of the 20th centuries great political leaders.
I love fiction too and read each Lee Childs books with relish whenever he releases a new Jack Reacher Story oh if only I could write fiction?
John Le Carre and his spy series are amongst my favourites along with Leon Uris, Len Deighton.
I am also fascinated with anything to do with the Battle of Britain and the stories of the fighter pilots of that period, the famous few. But any historical books on our world history is a particular interest for me.
I don’t have a favourite genre but like memoirs and humorous anecdotal books hence the way I try and write my books. Non-fiction spy stories and thrillers but am not really into horror

What are you working on now?
I am attempting my first fiction book based on the real story of four kittens that turned up on our doorstep two years ago after some terrible storms, and they adopted us. I am trying to write this as a children’s book but as I say this is my first attempt at a fictitious story about the kittens.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’m not sure of any best method or website for promoting my books and am still researching the best way to promote my books but it is obvious that its the American market that you have to break into for any sort of big recognition

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Do it! Just do it. Its like starting a fitness regime you buy all the best kit etc but unless you open your front door and actually go out and exercise it never happens, The same with writing if you never start that first few words you will never do it even if you have the best facilities to write with..
If I can write one book anybody can

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Ignore rejections JK Rowling was the first ever writer to earn over 1 million in sales of her books yet was rejected by 12 publishers before she found the one who was interested in publishing her books.
I wonder how those other publisher’s feel now?

What are you reading now?
To be honest I am not actually reading any books at present as am concentrating on writing my next book

What’s next for you as a writer?
Haha million dollar question! I really don’t know, if I get an inspiration I will write but at this moment in time the only book I have is the book about the kittens although I still have an idea about writing what it is like to live on an ex pat community in Spain although I might have to move for my own safety before this book can be published.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Winston Churchills History of the English Speaking Peoples
The Bible – although I’m not religious its a must have to read on a desert island.
Leon Uris Exodus
History of the World part 1 for humour

Author Websites and Profiles
Tony Levy Amazon Profile

Tony Levy’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account

Arshiya kamal 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hey I am Arshiya and I’m 17 living in India, Coimbatore. I’ve just published my debut book and the reason to this interview is to narrate the short story which is the answer to my hidden face.
Flashback to February 6, 2018 which I think is the correct date, I had a bet with a friend to cover my face with a mask when he sees me. I did the dare in front of all of my school kids, but what made me continue writing with it was this certain person. He was the first person other than my mentor who believed I could achieve whatever I dreamed and wished for, he was the one who encouraged me to write more!
But, like they say ‘people change with the whether’ fast forward to 2020 the start of me coming to social media to showcase my writing I realized I had changed. As a writer I was the same, just not as a person. So, I distinguished my writer self and remembered that little memory, I wear a mask because as I writer I am thankful to that person.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
A Demon’s Love is my first book, my first love as well. The book is inspired on a theory of destinies and the balancing of the universe. You do something that is not in your fate, the universe is imbalanced and in order to create a balance a string of same events occur.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
One of the things I do while writing which I found out only after finishing my first book was I like sitting in corners but the only problem is the WiFi’s the worst there! But I just can’t help sit in that very same spot everyday.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
One author that influenced me is Cassendra Clare, she has an amazing way of writing and she is the fist YA fiction that I read

What are you working on now?
Currently I’m trying to move forward with myself, I’ve started to write a new book called Pinky Promises which will be published traditionally.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I’d say awesome gang this is the only place that I’ve found convenient and helpful

Do you have any advice for new authors?
aaahh *sighs* just keep writing y’all, let your fingers feel numb let your eyes burn, write till the last shreds of your thoughts seem to make no meaning.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
This one’s on my best friend, Gowsika when things go sideways the only thing she says is. “I have you, you have me” and I am thankful for her, even if she’s a pain in my ass

What are you reading now?
Currently I’ve been reading a lot of contemporary fiction, like the fault in the stars for the hundredth time!

What’s next for you as a writer?
As a writer, I believe its important that I take time after my every adventure for myself. You know the healing time. So, I’ve decided to shift to Muscat to be done with my high school

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
*laughs* well, the fault in our stars, fangirl, elanor and park, the cruel prince it feels so less to me I guess I might try and stay alive daydreaming!

Author Websites and Profiles
Arshiya kamal Amazon Profile

Christina Strigas 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I have self-published four poetry books, and one self-help book based on my quotes on Twitter. Two novels will soon be re-released by The Wild Rose Press; The Wanting will be released on Sept. 27, 2021, and Crush will be released on Oct. 13, 2021.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book, The Wanting, is coming out on Sept. 27, 2021. It was inspired by a poem I wrote in 2010. The prologue at the beginning of the book is the poem turned into prose with some editing. I wanted to write about two people who fall in love and their own perspectives on each other. The book is written in the first-person narrative, each chapter going from Serena, the main character, to Teddy, the other main character, and their sexual awakening. It is a different twist and not your typical erotic tale. I don’t want to give any spoilers away, but it’s a bit of a roller coaster ride of two erotic journeys.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I need a coffee when I start writing and a drink when I finish.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Pablo Neruda, Virginia Woolf, Victor Hugo, James Joyce, Charles Bukowski, Margaret Atwood, Margaret Laurence, Leonard Cohen, Maya Angelou, Mary Oliver, Adrienne Rich, and so many others are writers who are my all-time favourites. They have influenced me in my style of writing since I first started writing.
The book from my English Literature days that I always go back to is The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry. If I’m in the mood for some Hart Crane or Marianne Moore or H.D or Walt Whitman, I just go to the edges of the pages I have turned and read my favourite passages over and over. I think I have read The Bell Jar at least four times. Handmaid’s Tale is one of my favourite books as well. Margaret Atwood has a way with words and emotions that are unique and poetic. Her latest poetry book I read in one day.

What are you working on now?
I am working on a 30K word count book for a series for The Wild Rose Press.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I use my own social media to promote my books and my website. Recently, with my latest book The Wanting, I am reaching out more to websites to find book reviewers, to get interviews, and to do podcasts. I am in the process of doing that. There are a ton of promotional websites. In the past, I never paid anyone to review my books. I submitted my book to be featured, but not reviewed. I am a newbie when it comes to this part of the promotion. I am used to promoting my books on my own pages, but not used to paying for ads. It seems that lately, I get many messages to pay to be featured on certain pages on social media. I like to be organic, but it’s hard in this social media age. My method is not a stern, strict one. I am learning as I go. Also, marketing keeps changing as social media controls more and more the promotional aspect of bookselling.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
As a first-time author, you need to set up a Goodreads account. Submit your book for features on a variety of book promotional sites. You also need to have a professional-looking website and not a free WordPress or blogger account. If you don’t know how to set that up, you can hire someone to create a clean and crisp-looking account that will attract people to your brand and style of writing.
Writers need to keep writing and creating. Take time for yourself. Take breaks. Keep writing even when no one is reading. Perfect your craft. Read lots of books. Poetry especially.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
When I was doing my teaching internship as a student-teacher, one of the teachers at the photocopy machine turned to me and said, “15% of your students won’t like you. You can’t change that.” I think about that sometimes. I apply it to life all the time, and specifically to my writing life. Not everyone will like your writing, and that’s fine. We’re not here to write books to please everyone. Sometimes, we have to listen to our own voice first.

What are you reading now?
At this particular moment, I just finished reading Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo. It was a phenomenal book, the writing style was completely unique in its prose and no use of punctuation throughout the book. It took me a while to read it and focus on it, but once I became accustomed to the chapters and the style, I was hooked. I enjoyed the prose tremendously.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I am presently writing and editing an erotic romance book that I am writing for The Wild Rose Press. It will be a first of a series of books based on friends and colleagues that work together for a fashion designer. Each book will be a 30K word count. It’s challenging for me because I have never written novellas before. They will be ebooks for a new line “Passport to Pleasure.” I will be submitting the final draft in a couple of weeks.
Simultaneously, my new poetry collection, for all the lonely hearts being pulled out of the ground, was recently accepted by Fine Lines Press to be published in Spring 2022.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Les Miserables
To The Lighthouse
Selected Poems of Anne Sexton

I only read these books one time, but I have always wanted to read them again, and never had the time or chance. Except for Anne Sexton, of course, I can read her every day.
Ulysses, I had to read for an English Lit class when I was twenty. I would love to read it near the ocean and take my time with the language. No other book has ever impressed me as much as this one.
Les Miserables, I must have cried a thousand times reading it. If I’m alone on a desert island, I need to cry.
To The Lighthouse because Woolf gets to my very soul. If I’m alone, this book would be great company. I could dream.
Selected Poems of Anne Sexton is my favourite poetry book. It’s pretty much next to my bed so I could get a dose of Anne anytime I want. I could never get enough of her words. I bought this book when I was nineteen at a used book store near my university. My entire world opened up when I read this book. I wanted to be a poet.

Author Websites and Profiles
Christina Strigas Website
Christina Strigas Amazon Profile

Christina Strigas’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account
Pinterest Account

Rebecca Rosenberg 

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Rebecca Rosenberg ia an award-winning novelist, champagne geek, and lavender farmer. Rebecca first fell in love with methode champenoise in Sonoma Valley, California. Over decades of delicious research, she has explored the wine cellars of France, Spain, Italy, and California in search of fine champagne. When Rebecca discovered the real-life stories of the Champagne Widows of France, she knew she’d dedicate years to telling the stories of these remarkable women who made champagne the worldwide phenomenon it is today. Rebecca is a champagne historian, tour guide, and champagne cocktail expert for Breathless Wines. Other award-winning novels include The Secret Life of Mrs. London and Gold Digger, the Remarkable Baby Doe Tabor.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
CHAMPAGNE WIDOWS is my newest novel about the first woman of champagne, Veuve Clicquot who in 1800s battled pandemics, mental illness, wars and even Napoleon Bonaparte to make her champagne. I love stories about strong women who did unprecentended things no one knows about!

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I wake up at 4am, go to my writing studio, light a candle and let the story flow.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I am loving other authors of historical fiction: Stephanie Dray, Martha Conway, Kate Quinn. Very inspirational!

What are you working on now?
I am half way through two novels which are sequels to previous novels. Gold Digger, the Remarkable Baby Doe Tabor has a sequel about her daughter, SILVER DOLLAR and her burning desire to be a theater star. Also, MADAME POMMERY another stunning Champagne Widows story.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I really enjoy engaging with facebook groups of readers, and bloggers.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Look for facebook groups that read your kind of book, become a member and get involved. They will be your biggest supporters when your book comes out. Befriend authors. Do many many book reviews and stage the authors!

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Be kind. (my mother)

What are you reading now?
The Widows of Champagne by Renee Ryan– same place, different time and characters as my CHAMPAGNE WIDOWS!

What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m taking my time and taking great care and attention for CHAMPAGNE WIDOWS marketing. It took me five years to write, so the least I can do is give it five months to market!

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Doctor Shivago
Gone With the Wind

Author Websites and Profiles
Rebecca Rosenberg Website

Rebecca Rosenberg’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile