Are You Ready For Summer? Save 25% Off Your Next Book Promotion

Published: Fri, 05/29/20

Who else is glad that May is coming to an end? I think June is going to be a much better month. We can start to open the economy in places that it is safe. Of course being in NYC I think I will be wearing a mask until Christmas just to be on the safe side.

In May we had the busiest month we have ever had. Traffic is up across each one of our sites as readers are stuck at home looking to discover new books. The only site down in traffic was our audiobook site as people are not driving to and from work or going to the gym where they would normally listen to audiobooks.

You will notice that we haven’t sent a newsletter in a while. I don’t like to market around Memorial Day since I find that just wrong.

I am always torn when I see Memorial Day sales. Seems like Memorial Day is more about getting a new mattress on discount than remembering the soldiers that gave their life so you can rest easy at night. 

Both my dad and my grandfather were lucky enough to come home from war. My dad served in Korea and my grandfather who I was named after was a bad ass. He was part of the Battle of the Bulge and survived and then reenlisted for Korea where he was shot and received a purple heart. He didn’t talk about it much and now I wish I knew all about his war stories. 

Thank a Veteran and say a prayer for those that gave us their ultimate sacrifice that allows us to do what we do. Maybe find a Veterans book on Amazon and purchase it and leave a review.

Back to June! 

Summer starts on the 20th and Father’s Day is the next day on the 21st. Dad’s may be getting a new kindle!

We have some big news that we will be releasing at the end of the month. Just getting our ducks in a row. It is something that authors have been asking me to do for years.

To celebrate I am going to offer a limited time coupon.

For a limited time if you go to and use coupon code SUMMER and hit apply before checkout and you will save 25% off our regular $65 price. This will only be available for 24 hours. Go to and enter coupon and hit apply to see the new total.

Thanks for being Awesome!