April Newsletter: How Are You Doing?

Published: Wed, 04/01/20

Welcome to April. We hope this email finds you and your family doing well. Dealing with the stress and finding essential items for the home is hard. If you have kids and have to start homeschooling it is even tougher.  I just wanted to check in with you and see if there is anything I can do to help. 

We are here for you. I consider you all part of our AwesomeGang family.  For authors we are extending the time that your book is on our homepage from 2 days to 3 for the foreseeable future. Just something I want to do to help authors get their books read.

Another feature we have seen is the amount of readers using our search box. We have seen searches for free books go up substantially since there are more people looking for books while they are staying home. 

If you haven’t submitted your book in a while, we do allow books to be submitted every 30 days or so. Our email list gains a lot of new subscribers everyday. Feel free to submit your book.

Thanks for being Awesome!

P.S. My friends have started a Facebook page with things to do while we are all Stuck Inside. Go like their page for ideas. 

P.S.S. If you haven’t joined our Author Facebook Group yet now would be a good time to connect with other authors