Your Saturday Morning Awesomegang Authors Newsletter

Published: Sat, 10/05/19

AwesomeGang Authors


Good Morning!

Please check out the authors below and share them if you like on social media and help them out. Good karma goes a long way. If you belong to a Author group help spread the word about our free author interview series.


Bringing You Weekly Tips From Authors


Awesome Author - Lucinda Mack

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a person who has written since the age of ten. It was the way I coped with being paralyzed from the waist down. I contracted rheumatic fever, juvenile arthritis, asthma, rocky mountain tick disease and Scarlet Fever all at the same time. Last rites were given to me on many occasions over the three years that I suffered. Friends and family were kept away because the doctors thought I was contagious. I was left alone in a room for the most part. Writing became my outlet and my passion. My companions became the characters I created and their worlds became my playground.
To date, I have penned over 30 books and hundreds, if not, thousands of poems.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is Nightsticks and Negligees. It was inspired by two movies. The first, was “Pride and Prejudice” which starred Keira Knightley. The music score took my breath away. The second movie was a mini series called “Slasher.” The main star was Katie McGrath. The murders and the soundtrack enthused me. It was an inspiration birthed by both of those movies that set my digits to the keyboard to write my book.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
My compulsion to write comes out of the blue. It could be from art, music, movies or just the beauty of a gurgling stream. My writing is organic; it arrives without notice. The whole process is difficult for some people to understand. It is part of who I am and I am comfortable with the method.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I have read almost everything that Agatha Christie has written as well as Arthur Conan Doyle. In addition, I like some of the poems of Edgar Allen Poe and books by James Patterson

What are you working on now?
Nightsticks and Negligees Two, among other things.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t let the words of others take away your joy from doing what you love.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Life can be difficult and challenging; however, if you truly want to live, you must embrace it no matter what strings are attached and no matter what the consequences.

What are you reading now?
“Third Degree” by Greg Isles.

What’s next for you as a writer?
If inspired, I would like to try my hand at science fiction stories. It would be a great challenge.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
“Justice Burning” by Scott Pratt, “Spandau Phoenix” by Greg Isles, “The Last of the Mohicans” by James Fenimore Cooper.

Author Websites and Profiles
Lucinda Mack Website


Awesome Author - Lyndell Williams

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a professional writer and author. I contribute to multiple online publications as well as indie press anthologies and short story collections. I am indie all the way and am about to release my second novel.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My new romance, Sweet Love–Bitter Fruit tells the story of Marcus and Toni Kent. Readers met the couple in book one of the Brothers in Law Series, My Way to You. Marcus and Toni are a successful Black couple with productive professional and family lives. They love each other deeply but struggle with infertility. It tests their love and threatens their happy marriage. I wrote Marcus and Toni’s story to show how love isn’t always enough. The realities of life and disappointment can destroy even stable relationships.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I often say that my characters run around inside my mind clamoring for me to get them on the computer screen and pages. Sometimes I need to channel them, especially if I’m writing a challenging scene or conversation. My family caught me acting out a scene alone in my bedroom or den. Not any full-blown action or sensual scenes. That would be weird even for me. I do like to act out conversations characters have. It helps me to get them out of my head and to readers.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Black women romance authors like Beverly Jenkins, Zane, and Alyssa Cole gave me the confidence to write romance not simply with Black female protagonists, but with a love plot that reflects the lives of Black women and to highlight my cultural experience as an African American Muslim woman.

There aren’t a lot of American Muslim romance authors. I like to feature Muslim characters going through woes and triumphs of falling and staying in love from Islamic perspectives. I don’t always write Muslim characters, but I love to take the chance to focus on the unique culture whenever I do.

What are you working on now?
I am finishing up a novella series, Open to Love, featuring three African American Muslim women. They are childhood friends and each goes through some trials and must face their doubts about falling in love.

I am also getting the next book in the Brothers in Law Series, Building on Broken Dreams, ready for release. Readers have really been looking forward to this one. It is my first full-length American Muslim romance novel.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Promotion is a funny thing. I haven’t nailed down an absolute method yet, but I have found that taking advantage of opportunities to connect with readers plays a big role in getting people interested in your books. Readers want to know the author as well as their writing.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
It is important for authors not to allow negative reviews to kill their creativity. It almost did mine. Despite the fact that most of the reviews my first novel received were positive, the few negative ones stuck in my head and filled me with doubt. It took me a minute to shake it off and get back to the keyboard. If writers find that reviews have an adverse impact on them, it is better to just leave them alone and keep writing.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Some of the best advice I ever got was to embrace who I am as an author and not jump through a bunch of arbitrary hoops to satisfy people’s proclivities and aversions. Outside of a few techniques, approaches and genre expectations, authors are artists who develop unique styles and voices. Some readers will love it while others hate or are ambivalent about an author. That’s fine. No writer can please everyone. It’s better to be who you are as a storyteller for readers to enjoy.

What are you reading now?
I just got the best book by Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination. I also got the book The Emotional Craft of Fiction as a gift. I am a strong proponent of authors reading books that will help them hone their craft. In addition to reading other authors, it is a good idea to have shelf space for books that will make one a better writer.

What’s next for you as a writer?
After getting past a book release, I am going to focus on the next stories and co-edit an anthology of Black Muslim writers.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Quran, Sayings of Prophet Muhammad, and a notebook so I can write.

Author Websites and Profiles
Lyndell Williams Website
Lyndell Williams Amazon Profile

Lyndell Williams’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account
Pinterest Account


Awesome Author - Purity Pierce

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I have been writing under Purity Pierce since I joined Amazon in May 2019. Purity writes flash fiction erotic romance and has published ten ebooks to date.

Since 2013, I’ve been writing everything else under Lydia Chandler on Smashwords. Lydia has published nine to date.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
I am writing CPR of a Marriage. Recall the pina colada song and go from there! I honestly don’t remember what made me think of it. I was stuck, so I Googled for some writing prompts. Somewhere in all of that, I got several ideas. Nothing of the prompts themselves, but they helped spark my imagination!

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
How unusual is it to write in bed with the TV on mute? Some days I have a problem with concentration, so I make a deal with myself (beats making a deal with the devil!). I turn on some of my favorite shows, mute the commercials, and write during the commercials. You’d be surprised how much you get done doing it that way.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I happened upon an app on Twitter. You can copy and paste some of your work (I did a paragraph) and it will tell you which famous author you write like the most. I got Anne Rice. I can’t tell you if this is accurate or not as I have read none of her work. Perhaps I should!

What are you working on now?
CPR of a Marriage for the erotic romance side. A yet-to-be-named paranormal ebook. It’s a lifetime of real-life experiences that I have with everything from visitations to the eight “claires” and one encounter with a demon! I’m pushing for a release date of Tuesday, October 1!! I have one in the can as the saying goes: Christmas Day at Master Eric’s House that will come out on Friday, November 1!!

You can always follow me on Twitter for release dates of upcoming work.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
That’s the piece I’m still working on. I’m just now getting around to getting online to market. Before it had been word of mouth. Twitter can’t hurt and I hope to have a Facebook market page before much longer.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t come into this thinking you will end up on Oprah’s Book of the Month Club. Write because it’s what you love. If you’re going the indie route, you’ll either need deep pockets to hire people to edit, create book covers, format, publish, sell, etc. Otherwise, you’ll end up doing what I did, which was to learn how to do it myself.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Don’t stress. Don’t try to be perfect. Don’t try, do. Write because you want to not because you want to be loaded or famous.

What are you reading now?
I can’t even get through last month’s copy of National Geographic at the moment! I need a clone!

What’s next for you as a writer?
God surely is the only one who knows!

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Blank ones so I could write of course!

Author Websites and Profiles
Purity Pierce Website
Purity Pierce Amazon Profile
Purity Pierce Author Profile on Smashwords

Purity Pierce’s Social Media Links
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Charles Massie

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I began writing articles about 30 years ago. These were submitted to Readers Digest, Twilight Zone magazine, Analog, Redbook and others. Since 2012 I’ve published 9 books of various genre’, including cookbooks, True Crime and a joke book.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Passionate Oversights … this is a true story inspired by events in south central Kentucky.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I write when I’m inspired. Sometimes I write multiple paragraphs in one sitting. Other times I go several days without writing anything.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
John Grisham, Patricia Cornwall, Nora Roberts, Piers Anthony, Robert R. McCammon and others

What are you working on now?
I’m currently writing the sequel to Passionate Oversights, tentatively entitled ‘Patriche’

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Amazon and Barnes/Noble

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t get discouraged. The first rule is to put your fingers to the keyboard.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
We’re passengers in time lost in motion, Locked together day and night by a trick of light.

What are you reading now?
Dana Perrino – Let me tell you about Jasper.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Scheduling book tour for spring/summer 2020.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Swan Song – Robert R. McCammon
The Stand – Steven King
Strangers – Dean Koontz
The Bible

Author Websites and Profiles
Charles Massie Website

Charles Massie’s Social Media Links
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account
Pinterest Account


Awesome Author - Omer Hina

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a 25-year old nurse that loves writing about digital marketing. I spend most of my time on the internet looking for profitable ways to make money online. I have written about 6 books but I have only published 3 so far; Lazy Success, Lazy Affiliate, and How to Start a Web Design Business from Home.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
How to Start a Web Design Business from Home is the name of my latest book. I run a web design business called Start-up Geek and I found out that web design is a good way to earn money. I decided to share my experience hoping that it would help some people make money from the comfort of their homes

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I go over the line when I write. I hear people saying that they take months to write a book. Once I have an idea for a book, I just keep writing and writing. My fastest record was writing a book within a week. I actually challenged myself to that.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I have read many books but I think the most influence is from Stephen King and Paul Coelho.

What are you working on now?
I am working on writing a new book that will teach people how to start a business from scratch with zero capital and no prior experience. It’s going to be a game-changer. I hope.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I usually prefer using email marketing. I am thinking of using Facebook ads as well.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Don’t give up, keep writing. You will get there. I know there are a lot of challenges, but keep writing.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Never give up on your dreams.

What are you reading now?
I am not exactly reading any book at the moment, unless if studying for an exam counts lol

What’s next for you as a writer?
I want to go big. It has always been a dream of mine to write a book and become a famous author.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
How to Survive on a Stranded Island, How to Get Off a Stranded Island, How to Build a Raft, How to Get Help when Stranded.

Author Websites and Profiles
Omer Hina Website


Awesome Author - Julia Goldhirsh

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Spellbound is my first novella and I’m currently working on the second book in the series, Cursed. I’m an ESL teacher by night and when I’m not working i’m writing, reading, or playing with my dog at home.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
It’s called Cursed and I was thinking about where I wanted to go after Spellbound and decided I wanted to focus more on Gabriel’s past and let Rose take the reigns since she isn’t able to do as much in Book 1.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I really like to write late at night sometimes until 4 or 5 a.m. I also write down weird dreams I have and turn them into stories or to take unsung mythologies and re-make them as I imagined them.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’ve really been influenced by Kristin Cashore, I love her world building; Maria V. Snyder, I love her characters and the way she handles magic and romance; and I was also influenced by Maria V. Snyder where magic lives on the outer fringes of the normal world and you just have to look closely to find it.

What are you working on now?
I’m working on a short story for an anthology run by 20booksto50k and I’m working on Book 2, Cursed.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
So far my favorite method has been in person. I went to an anime con and that helped a little. Also just being yourself on a social media site with lots of readers and writers. I’ve gotten some sales from other writers and readers on FB and Twitter.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write what you love and keep writing. Don’t get discouraged and don’t stop writing, but don’t overwhelm yourself either 15 minutes a day or 1-2 hours a week is better than nothing.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Write 10 things your reader will never know about your character and let that bleed into your writing to give them depth.

What are you reading now?
I’m reading Chymaera’s Overture. They’re a fellow indie author and so far it’s excellent, so I’d definitely recommend them.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m going to keep writing and working on books 2 and 3 for the Spellbound series.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Poison Study, Garden Spells, Graceling, and probably a survival guide of some form so I can figure out how to survive (maybe one of my books on which plants are poisonous and which aren’t)

Author Websites and Profiles
Julia Goldhirsh Website
Julia Goldhirsh Amazon Profile

Julia Goldhirsh’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Kathy Duckett

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I am a new Author.

Kathy Duckett is an Author, Speaker, Transformational Life Coach and Contemporary Gospel Recording Artist. Kathy says before she could speak or sing about the Power of Love, she lived it!
Kathy is the Author of a new book called, “Grief Redefined by the Power of Love. Grief Redefined by the Power of Love is inspired by the challenging and yet incredible journey Kathy went on after the tragic death of her youngest daughter, Ashely in 2011. Any mother can only imagine the horrific pain Kathy experienced from Ashley’s death. Although a devastating and forever life-changing experience, Kathy says that God super powered her with grace and a safe place to grieve as she went through the challenging days of grief and despair. Days of the initial shock of hearing the news of Ashley’s death and then the days following the funeral when everyone had gone on with their lives. As a Transformational Life Coach Kathy helps women of faith specifically and others gain a clear understanding of grief and how to empower and reposition themselves in life again.
Kathy says God has given her some powerful life-changing experiences and insights that will challenge you to go higher in your faith and inspire you to see life from a new perspective. Kathy says God has left us special clues to successfully navigate through this journey of grief that some people call “the new normal. Kathy’s faith, courage and determination will motivate you as she shares her uplifting story about how God took her through an amazing journey to find the deeper meaning of love through the death of her daughter Ashley. Take the journey with Kathy. Allow yourself to discover the untapped infinite power of God’s love.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Grief Redefined by the Power of Love

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
No unusual writing habits.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
My website: and

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
If you’re going play, play full out.

What are you reading now?
High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Working on book tour. Connecting with my audience.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
1. Bible
2. Grief Redefined by the Power of Love
3. Healing Starts Now

Author Websites and Profiles
Kathy Duckett Website
Kathy Duckett Amazon Profile

Kathy Duckett’s Social Media Links
Facebook Profile


Awesome Author - J.G. Jonson

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I started writing when I was about eight and have been writing ever since. I have currently written five books and released three of them. I came to Japan as an ALT with the JET program in 2015 and lived in Ine, one of the locations in my Account of the Change Series. I still like in Japan but on the other side now with my wife and son.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The latest book that I released was Swell: A Different Path. I was inspired to write this book by my previous books. I wanted to tell Mick’s story and I wanted to learn it for myself. Mick was a tough character for me but he also taught me a lot.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Not really. I’m a pantser, but that’s about it.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Tolkien was a big one, but Anne McCaffery was also in there. Recently, I have read a lot of David Weber and John Ringo, but I read fairly broadly and they all have an impact on my writing.

What are you working on now?
Cloud Dancer. It should be out by December 2019. It follows the story of Delphi as she learns her strength and history while doing her best to survive in the cutthroat world of Cloud Dancers.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Face to Face. I really think that meeting a person directly is the best method. Beyond that, I’m hoping that this site can claim that distinction.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write and write some more. You don’t have to finish every story that you set out to write. I have millions of words poured into books that will never see the light of day, but I learned something valuable from every one of them.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
You are the first reader. Write a book that you will enjoy.

What are you reading now?
The Lightning Rod By C.S. Ratliff

What’s next for you as a writer?
Write more books. Publish as many as I can. I’m working on the fourth book in my Account of the Change series while building a whole new world for my Cloud Dancer book.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Dragon Riders of Pern, Monster Hunters International, and probably the Bible.

Author Websites and Profiles
J.G. Jonson Website
J.G. Jonson Amazon Profile

J.G. Jonson’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Steve Merrifield

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m a UK based writer, and I like to set my work in the UK as I think it has a rich history and folklore where mysteries and the supernatural can lurk–or jump out! I was raised on classic horror movies and cult TV shows–well, not as a child, obviously.

I have four contemporary horror novels out at the moment (The Room, The Pack, Ivory, and Harvest), and a series of Victorian tales of the supernatural and criminal in ‘The Darkwood Mysteries’, which is comprised of short stories, novellas and novels.

I live with my best friend, who happens to also be my husband, and our two cats, and we spend our time watching movies, spooky TV shows and anime, and playing lots of board games together. I work in mental health, helping people get social care care packages.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
I have just finished up on the next run of ‘The Darkwood Mysteries’. Another 10 tales, which sees friends and enemies returning, new mysteries and the deepening mystery surrounding the central character, Emily Darkwood. I really enjoyed writing them, and can’t wait to get them edited and out there to be read in 2020.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
Usually just half-heartedly fending off cats–it’s actually really nice having their company. Just not their butts in my face. I am pretty strict with myself–normally a 06:30 start and no distractions allowed. Wow, I sound like a mean writer self-boss, but I just know that writing time is precious! I work full time in a ‘day job’.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I got into writing in my teens through James Herbert, Shaun Hutson and Clive Barker.

What are you working on now?
Once I am done with ‘The Darkwood Mysteries’ I will be moving back to contemporary horror, the working title is ‘X’ and is about a guy coming out of an abusive possessive relationship and reuniting with friends he’s neglected. And they all go to stay in a cabin in the woods together. What could possibly go wrong? Me. That’s what. My poor character-children.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have been slacking on the whole promotion thing, so this is all a bit new to me. Usually shouting at the great Internet through Facebook or Twitter and hoping someone hears me. That’s terrible. I need to get better at this.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
For me, I had to prove to myself that I could finish a book. Otherwise, write, write, write, even on an off day, just write and get the words down. You can make them better later.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Personally, it was ‘allow yourself to feel your feelings’. We all need to look after ourselves. As for writing… I just passed it on above, ‘always write’.

What are you reading now?
A book series called ‘Banshee’ by Sara Clancy. I have been reading a lot of Lee Mountford too.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I’m aiming on getting on top of this promotion in 2020, saving up a writing budget to spend on ads, and doing some print versions for my main horror novels. I need to treat this more as a business and not just as a hobby.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
‘Dracula’, I think I read it nearly every year or two. ‘The Hobbit’, a favourite of mine from childhood. ‘Sherlock Holmes’–all of them.

Author Websites and Profiles
Steve Merrifield Website

Steve Merrifield’s Social Media Links
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Allyson Steadman

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m a student at Texas A&M, majoring in psychology. I obviously love writing as well as reading, baking, singing, and just music in general. For so long I just dismissed my love of poetry as nerdy and useless, but I have finally decided to embrace it and see what happens! I’m so excited to share my love of poetry with my readers for the first time as this is my first book!

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is titled “The Pain He Takes Away,” and it was inspired by a number of events in my life. This past summer held a ton of heartbreak for me in different areas of my life and right before a big move to college. I had to deal with a lot of emotions in a very short time, and I found a lot of solace in writing and in Jesus. I believe that my experiences with God’s love can apply to many other people going through similar things, and I want everyone to have the freedom through His love that I found.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I tend to get random inspiration for poems or stories at random, inconvenient times. My go-to is writing the idea in the notes on my phone and going back later to actually develop the idea and explore the idea fully.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Wow, there’s no way to pick only a few authors! I’ve always had my nose buried in a book, but all of different genres. Dystopian literature like the Hunger Games and The Maze Runner started my reading addiction (probably like many others) but more currently, I love digesting the more profound ideas of C.S. Lewis and emotional poetry from a variety of poets from Emily Dickinson to Lang Leav. Really, if I were to think back on all the authors who have fueled my literature addiction, we’d be here for days!

What are you working on now?
Now, I’m going to continue working on the novel that I wanted to finish forever!

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
So far, I do most of my promoting through my social media. Mostly instagram @unsteady_poetry

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Well I mean I’m definitely a new author myself, but just in the writing process, I would say don’t get discouraged because you think your work isn’t good enough. If you don’t think it’s good enough, just keep pushing through and remind yourself that you can revise and edit later. You can revise a blank paper so it’s important to just write!

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
The best advice I’ve ever received was “don’t trust your judgement on you own writing. Of course you are going to think your own writing is boring or predictable; You’re the one that wrote it!”

What are you reading now?
Right now, I’m reading C.S. Lewis’s “Mere Christianity” which has a lot of theology and has really been giving me a lot to chew on in regards to emotions and motivations

What’s next for you as a writer?
Navigating the world of getting a book out there and marketing is going to pose a challenge for me, but I’m ready to start this new step!

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Toilken
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Author Websites and Profiles
Allyson Steadman Amazon Profile

Allyson Steadman’s Social Media Links
Twitter Account
Pinterest Account


Awesome Author - Alexander Pendragon

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Hey! I’ve written a few books mostly for friends about different things that I’ve learned, but this is the first ‘professional’ one that I’ve written.

This first book was more of a trial run to understand the process and was written more for myself than other people. But other people asked about it so I made it available.

The next one, you’ll already notice I’m excited about because you should be able to feel the excitement as you read the words on your screen and hear them echo in your mind as you read along!

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The Shocking Truth About Success: 6 Mindsets to Steal to Reach Your Goals

Since you’ve read this far you’ll already be aware of the fact that I wrote this book more for my own lust in achieving success. It’s not a long book, but it’s a collection of powerful mindsets that I’ve personally used in other areas of life to see results in.

I’ve seen other people get results using similar mindsets in different life areas, including business and distilled them down into a short book for anyone to get into.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
You’ll notice that I have a habit of overly describing things so that you can intuitively, logically and gradually understand every part of what I’m trying to describe.

For example, if I’m talking about this gooey, warm chocolate chip cookie that I’m eating I want you to smell the fresh sugar, feel the warmth of it in your hands and taste the melted chocolate as it hits your tongue.

I want you to be able to experience the events with me. Some people are into it and others aren’t.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Tony Robbins is a big one, as is Robert Greene.

Tony for his exemplary work and Greene for his absolute mastery in diving into a subject. The knowledge itself is a big inspiration for me and Greene delivers on that every time.

But Tony’s infectious spirit is hard to forget about.

What are you working on now?
Another book as well as my life coaching/writing business. Since you’re still looking at your screen and reading the words I’m typing, that means you must be somewhat interested in where you can find more!

You can find me at

The next book will be about how to cultivate respect and charisma in your daily life, naturally, intuitively and rapidly in ways that allow you to get what you want without being a jerk about it.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
This is still all so new to me! I’m not sure just yet!

I guess I’ll find out!

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Consistency in your writing is much more important than just about anything else.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.

That quote inspired a thought: you can either go after what you want in life and possibly get it or possibly fail. Or you can ignore your own desires and soil yourself in misery.

As for me, I’ve made my choice. I’m going after what it is that I desire.

What are you reading now?
Currently, I’m going over a course by David Snyder, and I’m re-reading The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene.

Finally, for fiction, I’m going over the series of Sherlock Holmes stories.

What’s next for you as a writer?
The next book as well as back to blogging!

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
How to Build a Boat; For Dummies

How to Make a Spear; For Dummies

How to Fish with a Spear; For Dummies

I have no idea if those are real books or not, but that’d be my choice lol.

Author Websites and Profiles
Alexander Pendragon Website
Alexander Pendragon Amazon Profile



Awesome Author - David Ogren

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’ve loved books my entire life, and began writing when I was young. So far, I have written five books. Here are the titles of the first four:
Acoustic Guitar Care 101
Market to Millions
Adventurous RV

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
I just finished “The Last Bucket List”, and really felt compelled to write about the need for each of us to reassess our lives at different stages. We are never a finished product, but we hope to keep growing and learning through the years. Many bucket lists focus on things we want to do when we retire. However, I wanted to write a book about setting forth the things most important to us, then practically planning out how we will manifest those values in our lives.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I have not mastered the “write a little each day” pattern, but I tend to write in heavier stretches, trying to finish off one chapter at a time.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Wow, so many authors, so little time.
John Grisham’s conversational patter.
Thomas Friedman’s ability to distill global concepts down to light bulb inducing morsels.
Michael Lewis’ talent to transform documentary sequences into page turning rapture.

What are you working on now?
I have a camping book/journal I would like to finish. Camping and travel has always been an important part of my family’s life.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Awesome Gang is certainly one of my “go to” sites. They provide great exposure and have a tremendous following!

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Make your writing and your book personal, in the sense of creating something that you believe in and that reflect you authentically. Don’t just write a book because you think it will sell, or because there it represents a “hot” market.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Control what you can control and don’t worry about the rest.

What are you reading now?
I just finished Homer’s “Odyssey”, and am wrapping up “Take the Stairs” by Rory Vaden.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I would like to try develop my skills in fiction, and perhaps take a stab at a short story.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
1,000 Books to Read before you Die – James Mustich (because I love books about books).
The Historian – Elizabeth Kostova (history, geography, lore, what’s not to like).
Lessons for the 21st Century – Yuval Noah Harari (if I’m stranded, let’s not forget the hard-learned lessons of the recent past)
Sea Power – James Stavridis (you might as well understand the geopolitics of oceans)

Author Websites and Profiles
David Ogren Amazon Profile


Awesome Author - Niki McAlister

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I’m 28 years old and currently live in Eastern Tennessee. I’ve been writing my whole life but I suppose this is my first official book.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
Serving the Scales was heavily inspired by the desire to explore some more unheard of kinks. I also wanted to build characters that forced people to see parts of themselves in them, even if they didn’t want to.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I use a small playlist of 5-10 songs to help clear my mind and focus.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
I’m heavily inspired by high fantasy and detailed fantasy such as Eragon as well as young adult fantasy like Twilight and Harry Potter. Various Romance authors have helped shape my writing style as well, with Anna Zaires being my absolute favorite.

What are you working on now?
I’m currently on a crash course learning to market for myself. After a short reprieve, I’ll be jumping headfirst into book two of the series.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I have no clue, lol. I’m still learning how to promote.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Believe in the heart of the cards!

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
Know when to buckle down and get the job done. Taking a break between books can be good for emotional health. Just, do it.

What are you reading now?
I’m a homeschooling mom of 2 boys who wants to write full time for a living. Finding time to read in all that is super hard, but I can usually squeeze in a few chapters of something in the 10 minutes before I pass out in bed.

What’s next for you as a writer?
Finishing the Serving the Scales trilogy and then diving into a side series based in the same world.

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Good Omens and the entire Tormentor Mine series from Anna Zaires.

Author Websites and Profiles
Niki McAlister Amazon Profile
Niki McAlister Author Profile on Smashwords

Niki McAlister’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account


Awesome Author - Laurel Decher

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I write stories about all things Italian, vegetable, or musical. I’m famous for getting lost, but I usually carry maps because people always ask me for directions. Beloved pets of the past include “Stretchy the Leech” and a guinea pig that unexpectedly produced twins.

TROUBLE WITH PARSNIPS is my first published book and the first book in the Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale series. Book 2 is with my editor (Oct 2019).

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
HOW TROUBLE WITH PARSNIPS GOT STARTED: In school, I was the girl who didn’t sharpen her pencil because she didn’t like going up in front of the classroom.

The pencil sharpener is too noisy! Everyone will look at me.

For years, I didn’t know what my teachers looked like, but I have the tile memorized. TROUBLE WITH PARSNIPS is about a much braver and more inventive person, the kind of person who looks up and sees everyone. The kind I want to learn to be.

As a grown-up, I went to a Toastmasters International club that helps people learn how to speak up in the right way at the right time. It’s like Girl or Boy Scouts because you can earn “badges” for learning how to stand up in front of others. 🙂

At the time, I was a Girl Scout Leader, so our Troop tried everything out at our meetings. Nobody looked at the floor. After a while, the girls ran the whole meeting. It was cool.

So I started writing about a princess who didn’t think she could ever give a speech.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I used to use gel pens, but I kept complaining about my hands hurting. Years ago, my husband recommended a fountain pen and I’ve used one ever since. He’s German and in Germany school children learn to write with fountain pens first. They are supposed to be healthier. My hands don’t hurt so it must be working. 🙂

I use computers too. (And cell phones. Whatever gets me words.)

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Like so many writers, there are too many books to know what to mention. I moved a lot as a child. I never felt like I’d really arrived until I got my library card.

Books that influenced the way I wrote TROUBLE WITH PARSNIPS:

THE LEMONADE WARS (especially the first one) because Jacqueline Davies “smuggled” business knowledge into an excellent story.
This story isn’t a romance, but COTILLION by Georgette Heyer actually inspired some of the characters (and the light-hearted reparteé.)
SEPTIMUS HEAP by Angie Sage because she has the same sort of overly-complicated story and a great sense of humor that I’m striving for.

What are you working on now?
I’m working on a short story set in the Seven Kingdoms and featuring favorite characters: Queen Ash, Prince Nero, and the princess called Fifteenth. Then I’ll go back for the final draft of Book 2.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
It’s all in the readers’ hands. When readers who love the story, speak up for it, that’s when the magic happens.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Listen to what YOU want to write. Learn all the skills you can and get advice when you can, but no one can make the rough form of the special story that is only inside you.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
There’s so much good advice to be had these days! I think I’ll go with Seth Godin’s advice to get on whatever carousel horse you like and get moving. “They’re all good!” he says.

It’s the dithering on the edges that frays the nerves.

What are you reading now?
I’m looking forward to reading ONE IF BY SEA, TWO IF BY SUBMARINE by Eileen Schnabel. I got to see an early version and I’m eager to see what these time-traveling revolutionaries are up to now!

What’s next for you as a writer?
The third Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale story is up next. I’m excited to work on a whole new story! 🙂

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Can I take my library card and hope they have wifi?
A few favorite middle grade titles: I’ve really enjoyed Stuart Gibbs’ SPY SCHOOL books. I LOVE Barbara O’Connor’s WISH. Sarah Prineas’ FOUND. Holly Goldberg Sloan’s SHORT. Adam Gidwitz’s THE INQUISITOR’S TALE. Oooops, I’m not allowed that many.

Author Websites and Profiles
Laurel Decher Website
Laurel Decher Amazon Profile

Laurel Decher’s Social Media Links
Goodreads Profile
Facebook Profile
Twitter Account
Pinterest Account


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