It is Tuesday Tips For Authors Day

Published: Tue, 03/12/19

Starting today we are going to start sending tips for authors on Tuesdays. Since I have been running book promotion sites I have picked up a lot of what is working and more importantly what doesn’t work. 

I am also going to ask you to reply to the email if you have a tip you want to share with other authors. I am a big believer in sharing and helping others. You can also reply to this email if you have a question. I am always happy to help authors. 

I am also a fan of helping authors that don’t have a big budget to promote their books. That is why most of our sites have a free submission option. It doesn’t get as much exposure as the paid featured books of course but it still gets your book out there on our website and social media channels.

Since this is the first Tuesday Tips newsletter I think the best thing to do is remind you of the free stuff our sites offer. Besides the free book submissions of course. 

Let’s start off with Awesomegang where we have the free book submission, and  we also have free author interviews. These are done by the author answering a few questions and uploading a headshot. You can do that here.

After we get the form filled out we put it on the site and it goes out to our readers email so they can discover a new author to read. It also goes out in social media and repeats a few times at random for the next year or so.

This site was started when we started to get an abundance of romance books submitted to Awesomegang but it has become more that just romance. Just like AwesomeGang we have free book submissions and author interviews. You may see a question or two that are similar to the other sites but this also goes out in email and social and it is free. You can submit your interview here.

The added bonus to these interviews is you get to put links to your social media accounts and get some followers. We do this on all the author interviews. 

We have the author interviews here as well. Not only does it go on our site it also goes in our newsletter with our featured books. We also repeat them in social every 6 weeks or so. You can see the form here.​​​​​​​ 

There is free book submissions here and the author interview feature will be coming soon. 

The author interviews here are a little bit more in depth with the questions. I plan on making them longer in the future. These get a great deal of traction with its own newsletter and social media push. You can find it here. 

There is a lot of things in this email that can help you get exposure and build your author platform. I suggest that you don’t do all these things at once. Do one site a day or one a week when you find the time. 

If you have an author friend or belong to a facebook authors group feel free to share this email.

Thanks for being an awesome author!
