Here Is Your Awesomegang Authors Newsletter

Published: Tue, 11/08/22

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Diondre Mompoint 

Diondre Mompoint

Interview With Author Diondre Mompoint

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
My name is Diondre Mompoint and I am a biologist and author from South Florida. I enjoy writing and talking about scientific topics on my free time. Due to my deep obsession with science, I began writing and published my first book called, "A paradoxical Life: Where Did We Come From?". This is my only book that I've written thus far, but I plan on writing more in the future.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My latest book is, "A Paradoxical Life: Where Did We Come From?". As said before, I enjoy science and the many mysteries that scientists face. The deeper inspiration came from my self doubt and wanting to share my thoughts on the origin of life. Another chunk of inspiration came from the biochemist, Dr. Michael J. Behe who also writes about topics dealing with the origin of life.

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
The only unusual writing habit I have is that I will write my thoughts on anything. When I say anything……. I mean anything! My ideas are usually thought of very randomly. So, I can be out on a walk, at work, or watching a movie and an idea will come up. I will write it in my phone, or a napkin, a random piece of paper or anything I can get my hands on. I know what many people are saying….A piece of paper? Really? Well, I haven't lost anything yet so I'm doing okay for myself.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Easily Michael J. Behe and his book, "Darwin's Black Box". What I like about the book is that, Dr. Behe shares his doubts with Darwinian evolution( something very uncommon of scientific scholars). He questions parts of evolution boldly and stands strong for the arguments he makes. This inspired me to write my own book expressing my ideas for where we(all of life) may have came from. It takes a lot of courage to write a philosophical science book and have it be accepted by readers. I knew with the inspiration from Dr. Behe, I would be just fine.

What are you working on now?
I am currently working on a Sci-Fi novel called, "Galactic Freedom: The Story of Iwaju". Check out the website for a summary.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
I'm not too fond of many websites. I guess I can say (since I discovered this I see many authors use it), Goodreads and probably your own author site.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
My best advice is to always keep writing and never become doubtful. Writing is your form of art; not anyone else's.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
The best advice that I heard is to remember that you are your own biggest fan. Do not let doubt stop you from your creative.

What are you reading now?
I'm currently in writing mode so not really reading anything at the moment. But, once I am done, I plan on reading some Neil deGrasse Tyson books about astrophysics.

What’s next for you as a writer?
What's next? I'm not sure just yet. I plan on writing more books and seeing where I am taken from there!

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
Okay Let me make a list:
1. Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None
2. The Gun by Paul Langan
3.My own book

Author Websites and Profiles

Diondre Mompoint Website

Diondre Mompoint Amazon Profile

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T.E. Ridener 

T.E. Ridener

Interview With Author T.E. Ridener

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
Oh, gosh. Where to start? I finally got hitched last year, so that feels pretty nice, haha. I'm inching closer to 40 (don't mind), I have a cat and a dog, Christine and Cujo, respectively. I'm addicted to coffee, Pokemon Go, and collecting many different things.
I began writing waaaaaaaay back when. I published my first book in 2011 and I haven't looked back. In total, I have technically published 33 books, but most have been pulled down for re-rewrites and re-edits because I know I can do better, and I've grown so much over the past decade as a writer.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The latest book (which I hope is published by the time this is posted) is called The Ice King's Heart, and it was inspired by a friend who wanted to see if I could write in the Fantasy genre. Of course, it is a romance because I love love, and it's my favorite thing to write about! It is the third and final book in the Descendants Series (I swear I named it before I even know the books/movies were a thing – big fan, though!)

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I like to speak aloud while I'm writing the dialogue, and I usually try to feel the emotions as I go, so whether I'm crying, laughing, donning an accent, or getting angry, it's a lot of fun for me. Other than that? I suppose it would be me having casual conversations with my dog (Cujo) about where I'm stuck at, at the moment.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
R.L. Stine, Stephen King, Anne Rice – those are the big three for me. But I can also include Nancy Straight, Ashlyn Chase, Holly Black, Shona Husk, and Marie Hall. All wonderful authors – all wonderful books!

What are you working on now?
Erm…hopefully not the Ice King's Heart anymore! Fingers crossed that I'll be moved on to my bear-shifters again in the fictional (but wonderful) town of Kadenburg, Tennessee. Book 5, the final in the series, is called Reclaiming Kadenburg, and much like the forementioned, I've been working on it since 2014. (I know!!!! It's ridiculous!) I really want to have both series complete before 2022 draws to a close.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
Story Origin! And hopefully here. <3 I took a 2-year hiatus and I feel like I'm brand-new, all over again. I have found that platforms such a Facebook reels, Tik Tok, and Instagram can get you some new readers as well.

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Just write. Don't worry about anything else at the moment. When you make it to 'the end', then you can worry about everything else. Don't be afraid to ask questions. There have been many authors who didn't mind taking me by the hand and helping me get where I am today. I'm happy to help, too! Just. Keep. Writing!

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
"Not everyone will like your book, so just let those bad reviews roll off your back like water on a duck." – My stepmom, after I got emotional over my first 1-star review.

What are you reading now?
I'm re-reading a favorite! It's My Wild Irish Dragon by Ashlyn Chase. If you love shifters and some steam, I highly recommend it!

What’s next for you as a writer?
Just completing all my series, getting my previously published books to where they need to be, and hopefully, maybe…horror? Yeah, I think I want to try that next. I can do horror! (No zombies though. No, thank you.)

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
I feel like I've heard this before… ah, yes. The Office! (big fan here)
I'm going to say my own, haha. That's terrible, isn't it?
The Truth About Kadenburg
Blood Betrayal (currently down for re-writes)
and The Fire King's Daughter

Author Websites and Profiles

T.E. Ridener Website

T.E. Ridener Amazon Profile

T.E. Ridener’s Social Media Links

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Marla White 

Marla White

Interview With Author Marla White

Tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.
I got a late start in the author business, not publishing my first book until I was 58 back in 2021. Don't get me wrong, I've been writing since I was a kid, but I kept my stories safely tucked away. Thanks to an author friend's support I finally submitted a book. I got the email from The Wild Rose Press on April Fools Day that they wanted to contract for my novella to be part of their Cookie Book series, so I was a little afraid it was a prank! Between my self-published books and the ones at Wild Rose Press by the end of the year, I'll have two novellas and three full-length books to my name.

I worked in television development for a number of years and continue to coach screenwriting clients as well as teach story analysis at UCLA.

What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
My book coming out in October is "Cause for Elimination." It's a murder mystery set in the world of equestrian eventing. I'd written it several years ago and with the encouragement of my Wild Rose Press editor dusted it off, tightening the story up in ways I never thought of.

A huge fan of Dick Francis growing up, I loved his mysteries set in the horse world. I used to be an eventer – a very, very low-level one, mind you – so it occurred to me that would be a fun place to set a story.

The title was inspired by the one and only time I actually read the US Eventing Associations' rule book rather than just relying on my more organized friends. At that time, every infraction of a rule was said to be a "cause for elimination".

Do you have any unusual writing habits?
I was fortunate enough to be a part of a business meeting with the great Janet Evanovich, who said she got up at 5 am to write. Considering the woman is a huge bestseller, "successful authors get up at 5 am" became my mantra when I didn't want to get out of bed.

I typically prefer writing in the morning and re-writing in the afternoon. I'm strictly a 'write on a computer' kind of gal. I can barely read my own handwriting, so the idea of pen an papaer makes me shudder.

I still just write using Word, but one of these days I want to try some of the programs like Scrivener and find out what all the fuss is about.

Finally, I'm definitely a plotter. Godspeed to all your pantsers out there, but unlike real life where I never look at a map, I need to know where my story is going.

What authors, or books have influenced you?
Like I said, Dick Francis was a huge influence as well as Janet Evanovich. Robert Parker was a master and I love his voice. Louise Penny is a more recent discovery – my God her writing is beautiful!

But I also write very grounded urban fantasies so Jim Butcher, Seanan McGuire, the brilliant writing team that is Ilona Andrews, and the legendary Neil Gaiman have inspired me.

However, the writer who really got me thinking about story and character was the one and only Leslie Charteris. His "Saint" books remain a prized possession and a joy to read.

What are you working on now?
So many things!

The follow-up to the series that started with "The Starlight Mint Murder Mystery" novella is at the top of the list. It's going to be a fun, cozy series involving a female ex-cop and the quirky folks of a small mountain So Cal town, Pine Cove.

I'm also working on a textbook of all things to use to teach my story analysis class. I can't find a good one that's in print anymore!

I'm a heartbeat away from getting back into editing the third Keeper Chronicle book that, as a beta reader put it, is "dark AF" but in a good way.

And I have the bare bones of a first-person mystery book that is the prequel really to the Cookie Book coming out this November.

What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books?
This is all new territory for me, to be honest. This week, with "The Angel at The Gate" having been published this summer and "Cause For Elimination" coming out, it finally struck me how important marketing really is. I just assumed nobody made any money at this until I started researching FaceBook ads vs. Amazon vs. on and on and on. It has been a terrifying learning curve of all the work that goes into promoting it, but also scary in a fun way. I look forward to meeting more people in the process of getting the word out!

And yes, I do feel a little like Wile E. Coyote when the anvil lands on his head. Duh!!! What the heck was I thinking!

Do you have any advice for new authors?
Write what you love. You're going to be spending the rest of your life either editing, re-writing, promoting, or talking about your books so they better be filled with characters you love and love to hate.

I'm not sure this is the best advice, but my two cents on the whole keyword thing; yes, it's important to do that research, God knows I wish I had before I committed to writing 3 books and counting in a genre that's hard to define. But then I wouldn't have written them and the thought of a world without Gabriel, Evie, Abby, and Ryan in it makes me sad. So maybe don't let the number crunching of it all play too big a role in your writing.

What is the best advice you have ever heard?
I'm not sure it's really advice, but someone once told me about life in general that some people are just going to expect you to fail, so don't waste one moment trying to prove them wrong. Worst case scenario is you do fail, but "they" always knew you would anyway and you go down swinging.

What are you reading now?
"Help My Launch Plan Sucks" by Mal and Jill Cooper (see the previous paragraph about "you mean you have to market it? writing the book isn't the finish line?)

I'm also really into listening to books at the moment so Nalini Singh and her Psy-Changeling and Guild Hunter books are loaded up at the moment.

What’s next for you as a writer?
I would love the next step to be to at least break even as a writer.

As far as the next book I have in mind, Gabriel's brothers Lucifer and Michael have been whispering in the back of my head that they'd like their own books, please. 😀

If you were going to be stranded on a desert island and allowed to take 3 or 4 books with you what books would you bring?
The Leslie Charteris Omnibus because it has 4 or 5 books in it and would only count as 1 LOL! Definitely the latest Louise Penny Inspector Gamache book, something funny that would make me laugh, and without a doubt a book on how to build a boat out of coconuts.

Author Websites and Profiles

Marla White Amazon Profile

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Vinny O'Hare, P.O. Box 940711 Rockaway Park NY 11694